Teen Council

Morgan County 4-H Teen Council is organized to help teen 4-Hers develop skills while helping to build a strong county 4-H program.  Members meet monthly (September - May) to plan and implement 4-H educational programs, community service and fun social activities that benefit members, adult volunteers, and Morgan County youth.

Activities are youth planned and lead with the support of an adult advisor. Contact Teen Council Advisor Nicole Reed at nicole.reed@usu.edu for the latest info.

4-H Registration is required!
Youth must first enroll in the Morgan County 4-H program and pay the State 4-H fee of $10. After payment and registration is approved then youth must enroll in Teen Council and pay an additional $15. This is done by registering a member in an event in Zsuite just like you would for a horse show registration. For help with enrollment and registration please call our office at 801-829-3472. 

2024-2025 Teen Council

February 10 (3-4 p.m.) Trivia Night
March 3 (3-4 p.m.) T-Shirt Designing
April 14th (3-4 p.m.) Pickle Ball, weather permitting
May 12th (3-4 p.m.) Summer Camp Planning

For more information contact Nicole Reed at 801-829-3472.