4-H Fees & Payments
Please call if you are having problems or with any questions 801.829.3472
Fees: Fees for Morgan County 4-H Enrollment are $10 per youth annually. Livestock projects are $10 annually ($20 total). Horse projects are $10 annually ($20 total). Events may have a seperate fee that needs to be paid when you register for the event through Zsuite. If payments are not received within 3 days of registration youth will be removed from event, unless contact has been made with the 4-H office and other arrangements made.
To pay your fees, please do one of the following:
Option 1: Pay online with a credit card when you enroll for 4-H through https://4h.zsuite.org **PREFERRED**
Option 2: Stop by the USU Extension office located in the Morgan County Courthouse, 48 West Young Street, Room 27A and pay with cash or check. We WILL NOT be able to accept credit cards in office.
Important Enrollment Fee Information!
Utah State University and Utah 4-H are implementing changes to the 4-H program that will benefit members in Morgan County. These changes include: 4-H Member and Volunteer Supplemental Insurance, 4-H Volunteer Background Checks, 4-H Zsuite Support and Customer Service, and Online Payment using 4-H Zsuite.
Beginning January 1, 2017 new enrollment totals (state fee + county fee) are as follows: Horse enrollment $20.00, Livestock enrollment $20.00; Regular 4-H enrollment $10.00 (Payment through 4-H Zsuite is now available). Adult volunteers will be required to enroll through Zsuite and will not be charged any fees. If you have any questions regarding the new state enrollment fee, please contact Morgan County 4-H at 801-829-3472 or the Utah 4-H State Office at 435-797-4444.