4-H Achievement Night
The 4-H program is here to build character and develop life changing skills in our youth. We do this by providing experiences in the form of club projects as well as county and state events. We love to recognize the amazing efforts of our 4-H youth and celebrate the mastery they have obtained.
Each fall we review the past year and highlight some of the amazing things our youth have done during our annual 4-H Achievement Night banquet.
In October, we love to recognize the accomplishments of our members and leaders. It is also a great way to celebrate the end of one 4-H year and the beginning of another.
2024 Annual 4-H Achievement Night celebrating youth and adults that make the Morgan County 4-H Program thrive!
The USU/Morgan County Extension Office would like to congratulate the following 2024 4-H Achievement Night winners!
Youth Awards and Recognition
- 4-H Horse Ambassadors: Adison Clark, Hallie Clark, Jaxson Davis, Adelyn Walker
- Livestock Ambassadors: Kayla Gale, Sydney Jensen, Brynn Peterson, Jadie Shupe
- Teen Council Officers: Jett Weeter, Marissa Davis, Derek Little, Alex Little
- 10 Year 4-Hers: Derek Little, Isabella Pincock, Hannah Vidrine
4-H Leader Years of Service Awards
- 1st Year Leaders: Karen Davis, Jessie Drage, Jake Gale, Hailee McMillan, Lance Merrell, Bailee Mikesell
- 5 Year Leaders: Lacey Christiansen
- 10 Year Leader: Ben Sessions
- 15 Year Leader: Brady Peterson, Emily Peterson, Geni Rowser
4-H Volunteer Awards
- Salute to 4-H Volunteers: Jessie Drage, Bailee Mikesell
- Salute to 4-H Youth Volunteers: Derek Little
- 4-H Mentor of the Year: Justin Pentz
- Clover Key: Jake Gale
- Doorknob Award: Grounds for Coffee (Shauna and Adam Walker)
- 4-H Family of Year: Luke & Lacey Thomas Family
Each year we like to spotlight a different family for their many contributions not only to the 4-H Program here in Morgan County but to their community as well. We ask other 4-H members, leaders and families to help watch throughout the year for those that they would like to nominate for the next year. The 2023-2024 4-H Year was one full of many memories and accomplishments. The 2024-2025 4-H Year is underway and we look forward to see what it will bring.
For more information about enrolling in 4-H, joining a club, and projects offered, please contact the Morgan County Extension Office at 801-829-3472. Also check us out on Facebook: USU Extension-Morgan County 4-H and our webpage: extension.usu.edu/morgan.