USU Extension
Millard County Office
Monday & Wednesday
8:00 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Tuesday & Thursday
8:00 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
What is USU Extension?
With offices covering Utah's 29 counties, Utah State University Extension provides research-based community education, resources and programs in the areas of agriculture and natural resources; business and community; food, health, and wellness; home, finance, and relationships; and 4-H and youth.Millard County
Follow Us/Subscribe
Extension Connection/4-H Newsletters
How We Can Help
USU Extension offers expertise and pertinent information specific to the needs of our county
Millard County is one of the top producing agricultural regions in Utah. The most productive farmland is found in the desert valleys with the Sevier River as an important source of water. Grazing lands are found throughout the county, with most stock moving from the valleys and foothills in the winter to the high mountains in the summer. Private lands comprise 13 percent of the county, while the remaining 87 percent is under management of the Federal and State governments.
- Rural Tax Education Agriculture COVID-19 Resources
- Article from Center for Agriculture Law and Taxation
Millard County annually ranks in the top five for most individual Utah agricultural commodities with total annual cash receipts nearing $130,000,000.
These commodities are:
- Hay Production-289,000 Tons
- Milk Cows-19,000 Head
- All Cattle-73,000 Head
- Corn (Grain)-211,000 Bu
- Corn (Silage)-140,000 Ton
- Oats-58,000 Bu
- All Wheat-143,000 Bu
- All Barley-274,000 Bu
The Millard County USU Extension office offers a wide range of materials and resources related to livestock, crops, soils, agriculture profitability, weed control, farm and ranch management, range, home horticulture, gardening, insects and water management.
Millard County Fair Information
Millard County 4-H Extension Facebook
4-H, Visit the online registration system to get started. Leaders (parents) must log in to enter the entries for their members. If we don't have an email address on file for your family, you will need to call us and have that set up before you can log in and start entering exhibits. If participants do not have access to the internet, please contact the Extension office.
Returning members must register every year to be active in 4-H. The 4-H year goes from October 1st to September 30th.
All members, new and returning, must be registered by June 1st to be able to place entries in the 4-H section of the fair. If registration is not received by June 1st, the member will have to enter items in the open class sections.
Mandatory Online Exhibit Registration
Register at 4-H Fair Entry for non-livestock entries.
Contact the Millard County Extension office if you need assistance 435-864-1480
Small Animal Shows
Get your animals ready!
Wednesday: 3pm Horse Show
Thursday: 6:00pm Poultry Show at zsuite Registration Link
Friday: 6:00pm Rabbit Show at zsuite registration link
Saturday 1:00pm Goat/Sheep Show register online zsuite registration
Helpful Links
Home, Family & Food
Youth and 4-H
Shooting Sports
Call the Millard County Utah State University Extension office to find out how to sign up for 4-H Shooting sports. 435-864-1480 or 435-743-5412
Quilt Camps & Sewing Camps
Watch for information and for the dates on these. We have great leaders who will teach sewing and quilting skills to 4-H'ers and help them make fun projects. These camps will be held in Fillmore and Delta in the summer.
Want to know how to make your hobby into a career?
USU Extension Millard County Contact Information