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Timpanogos Cave National Monument Picnic Area Plan
Project Lead: Jake Powell
Fast Facts
- Year: 2019
- Client: Friends of Timpanogos Cave, National Park Service Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance Program
- Outcomes: Site Concept plan, Grant development Assistance
- Status: Complete
- Project Size: 0.18 acres
- Project Scale: Site
- Impacts: The plan became the primary planning documentation for a successful grant proposal LAEP Extension staff helped develop for the 2020 Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation, Recreation Restoration Infrastructure Grant. This grant awarded $30,000 to the Friends of Timpanogos Cave, matching an estimated $59,405 in raised cash and in-kind donations.
Project Summary
LAEP Extension partnered with the National Park Service Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance Program and the Friends of Timpanogos Cave National Monument to re-design the primary picnic area at Timpanogos Cave National Monument. The design was used to acquire $89,405 in state grant funding, private donations, and NPS funding to make the proposed improvements a reality.
Project Description
LAEP Extension worked with the Friends of Timpanogos Cave National Monument, and the National Park Service’s Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance program staff to re-design the Canyon View Picnic Area, located within Timpanogos Cave National Monument. The friends group requested a plan for the area that would spark fundraising efforts and inspire the NPS to allocate resources toward its construction. LAEP Extension staff built upon student designs completed as part of an undergraduate recreation and open space course (LAEP 3100). LAEP Extension then worked through the design process with local NPS staff to establish much needed consensus on the future use and design of the picnic area. The design document submitted by LAEP Extension explained the context of the area, documented current issues at the site, and provided a series of recommended programmatic and design changes to the area. The document became the basis for the construction cost estimates the Friends of Timpanogos Cave, and the Timpanogos Cave National Monument used to raise funds for the construction of the plan as designed. This project is scheduled to be constructed during the fall of 2020.