Small Farm Irrigation

Resources for garden, urban farm, and small farm irrigation.

Fact Sheets and Web Articles

Irrigation Management in High Tunnels

High tunnel irrigation management requires knowledge of the following concepts: 1) differences in soil water holding capacity 2) variances in plants rooting depth, 3) how changing environmental conditions impact plant water use, 4) proper water applicatio...

Terms and Tables for Water Measurements and Management

Soil salinity is a measure of the total amount of soluble salt in soil. As salinity levels increase, plants extract water less easily from soil, aggravating water stress conditions. High soil salinity can also cause nutrient imbalances, result in the accu...

4R’s of Irrigation Management

The research community and fertilizer industry have developed and utilized a framework termed “4R nutrient management” to help improve fertilizer stewardship. For decades, national and international organizations and institutes such as The Fertilizer Inst...

Deficit Irrigation of Pastures

Deficit irrigation is any irrigation level that does not meet the crop’s full evapotranspiration (ET) demand, meaning evaporation from plant and soil surface and transpiration through plant growth.

Fertigation Facts

The use of fertigation for field and horticultural crops is increasing in Utah. Fertigation can be an effective method for improving nutrient stewardship and improving crop yield and quality. Keys to successful fertigation include irrigation system mainte...

Salinity and Plant Tolerance

Soil salinity is a measure of the total amount of soluble salt in soil. As salinity levels increase, plants extract water less easily from soil, aggravating water stress conditions. High soil salinity can also cause nutrient imbalances, result in the accu...

Sodic Soils in Utah

Sodic soils are soils with excess sodium. Sodic soils are encountered with increasing frequency in Utah, usually in the lower, flatter areas of our valleys. Sodic soils probably developed over many years when the water table was high and the soils were to...

Water Rights in Utah

If you are connected to a municipal system, your water is probably categorized as “culinary or municipal water” and is used for everything from drinking and bathing to washing the car to watering tomatoes. However the Utah Division of Water Rights takes a...

Other Extension Resources

Collaborative Extension Surface Irrigation Website
Economics of Irrigation Systems from Texas A&M University
Surface Irrigation Manual from The University of California

USU Extension Drought Page
Utah State University Extension Small Farms Page
Utah State University Extension Dirt Diggers Digest[BROKEN LINK]