Welcome to the
Colorado Plateau Dark Sky Cooperative
Protecting the highest concentration of accredited dark skies in the world
The Colorado Plateau is a remarkable part of this country, known for its spectacular scenery, rich history, diverse recreational opportunities, and abundance of public lands. One of the precious elements of the Plateau’s landscape is a starry night. To protect this heritage of starry skies, America’s first Dark Sky Cooperative was established.
Colorado Plateau Dark Sky Cooperative, America’s first Dark Sky Cooperative
The Dark Sky Cooperative does not have a legal boundary but is instead, a geographic region where communities, public land partners, tribal nations, academic institutions, businesses, clubs, nonprofits, and citizens join to support a set of principles resulting in mutual benefits and the long-term conservation of our natural night skies.
Of primary concern among this diverse group are the negative effects of light pollution, caused by inappropriate or unnecessary use of artificial outdoor lighting. Fortunately, there are ways to remedy this problem. By following certain guidelines and conducting educational outreach in support of naturally dark night skies and nocturnal environments, the Colorado Plateau leads the way with the highest concentration of accredited dark sky places than anywhere in the world. Learn more about the International Dark-Sky Places program.
We invite all who live, work, or play in this incredible region to:
- Celebrate the view of the cosmos.
- Minimize the impact of outdoor lighting.
- Protect natural nighttime skies.
- Restore natural darkness in areas where it has been degraded.
- Promote astronomy-based recreation and tourism.
Get Engaged
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Civic engagement is the foundation for a shared stewardship of quality night skies
Natural nighttime darkness is widespread across many public lands of the Colorado Plateau. However, the quality of the night sky is under threat across the American West due to population growth and changing land use priorities. Many who benefit from this resource may not be aware of these threats. Civic engagement is critical to the successful preservation and restoration of the night. The Colorado Plateau Dark Sky Cooperative was established to connect, inform and inspire stakeholders to protect the dark night skies across the region.
Learn More About

Light Pollution
What is light pollution, forms of light pollution, impacts of light pollution.
- Learn more: The New World Atlas of Artificial Night Sky Brightness
- Get the book: “The World Atlas of Light Pollution”
Our Mission
Our mission is to foster connections among community partners, educational institutions, businesses, tribal nations, and local, state and federal agencies in a collaborative effort to share expertise and develop resources that broaden recognition of dark night skies as a powerful natural, cultural, and economic resource with particular significance for the built environment and renowned landscapes of the Colorado Plateau.
Our Vision
Our vision is for the Colorado Plateau Region to be known, managed, and promoted as one of the world’s premier locations for viewing the natural night sky.
Contact Us
Email: cpdarkskies@usu.edu
Join Our Dark Sky Network
Receive the monthly updates and spotlights included in the Dark Sky Cooperatives Newsletter