By Justin F. | January 5, 2024

12 Ways to Prepare Yourself For Marriage Before and During Your Engagement

man and woman kissing after their wedding

Embarking on the journey of marriage is a significant life milestone, marked by the promise of lifelong companionship. While the prospect of sharing your life with someone is exciting, it's essential to recognize the responsibilities and adjustments that come with this commitment. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into various key aspects to consider as you prepare for marriage, ensuring a solid foundation for a lasting and fulfilling union.  


Before entering into marriage, enter into a journey of deep self-reflection. Take the time to understand not only your values, beliefs, and life goals but also your strengths and areas for personal growth. This self-awareness will not only contribute to your own well-being but will also enhance your ability to connect with and understand your future spouse. A good way for you and your spouse to reflect on yourself and your habits before marriage is to take some sort of relationship assessment tool. The Relate Assessment offers couples a chance to take a questionnaire independently and then come together to discuss their answers. This way, you and your future spouse can iron out some details that may need to be talked about; some of them might even appear below.

Communication Skills

Effective communication is the bedrock of a successful marriage. Beyond just expressing yourself, focus on active listening and understanding your partner's perspective. Work on refining your communication skills to ensure clarity, openness, and empathy. Being able to navigate both the simple joys and complex challenges through effective communication is vital for a healthy and enduring relationship.

Financial Preparedness  

Financial stability is a key factor in marital happiness. Assess your current financial situation, discuss your financial goals, and create a plan for managing your finances as a team. Consider factors like budgeting, saving, and investing, and be transparent about your individual financial histories. This collaborative approach to finances will foster trust and provide a solid foundation for your future together. 

Emotional Intelligence 

Cultivate emotional intelligence as a crucial asset in your marriage. This involves understanding and managing your emotions effectively, as well as being attuned to your partner's feelings. Develop empathy, practice patience, and be willing to compromise when needed. A high level of emotional intelligence contributes to a deeper emotional bond and a more supportive and understanding connection. 

Conflict Resolution Skills

Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, and learning how to navigate it constructively is paramount. Acquire and practice effective conflict resolution skills, such as staying calm, expressing your feelings without blame, and finding solutions collaboratively. The ability to manage conflicts positively will contribute significantly to the overall health of your marriage.

Pre-Marital Counseling   

Consider engaging in pre-marital counseling as a proactive step towards building a strong foundation. A trained counselor can guide you and your partner through discussions on important topics such as communication styles, expectations, and individual and shared goals. The insights gained during counseling can be invaluable in navigating the complexities of marriage. The Utah Marriage Commission offers many resources available to couples, many of which are free or low-cost. Check out the ePREP program offered to enhance your relationship before you get married.

Establishing Shared Goals   

Building a life together requires aligning your goals and aspirations. Engage in open and honest discussions about your short-term and long-term objectives as a couple. Whether it's career aspirations, family planning, or personal growth, having shared goals creates a sense of unity and purpose within the marriage.   

Building a Support System   

A robust support system outside of your marriage is invaluable. Cultivate friendships with other couples who share similar values and experiences. These connections can provide guidance, encouragement, and a sense of community, strengthening your marriage by offering diverse perspectives and shared experiences. 

Maintaining Individuality 

While building a life together, it's crucial to maintain a sense of individuality. Nurture your own interests, hobbies, and friendships. Respecting each other's autonomy contributes to a healthy balance within the marriage and ensures that personal growth continues alongside the growth of your relationship. 

Continuous Learning

Approach marriage as a journey of continuous learning and growth. Be open to learning from your experiences, adapting to changes, and evolving as individuals and as a couple. Embrace the opportunities for personal and relational development that marriage presents. Attend workshops, read books, and seek guidance when needed to nurture a culture of growth within your marriage.

Intimacy and Connection

A thriving marriage requires emotional and physical intimacy. Cultivate a strong emotional connection by expressing affection, appreciation, and support regularly. Prioritize quality time together, fostering shared experiences and memories. Addressing and nurturing both emotional and physical intimacy is essential for a fulfilling and lasting marriage.  

Resilience and Flexibility

Recognize that marriage is a dynamic journey with ups and downs. Develop resilience by facing challenges together and maintaining a positive outlook. Be flexible in adapting to life's uncertainties and changes. The ability to weather storms and adapt to different life phases will contribute to the longevity of your union.

Preparing for marriage is a transformative process that involves self-discovery, effective communication, financial planning, emotional intelligence, and a commitment to continuous learning and growth. By investing time and effort into these key areas, you lay the groundwork for a resilient and fulfilling partnership. Remember, a successful marriage is not about finding the perfect partner but about being the right partner. Embrace the adventure that marriage brings, and enjoy the lifelong journey of love, companionship, and shared dreams. 

If you've found this blog helpful, we have a few more resources for you! Check out our blogs on how men can prepare for marriage and how women can prepare for marriage. If you're looking for even more resources, head over to our Pinterest page and scroll through our relationship boards. We're all about enhancing relationships and we want to make sure everyone can be happy and successful in their dating, marriage, parenting, and single lives. Give us a follow!

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