2025 Elevating Hope Summit

Taking Substance Use Disorder & Suicide Prevention to New Altitudes!
March 20th - 21st

Register Today!

What is the HEART Initiative?

The Health Extension: Advocacy, Research, and Teaching Initiative, also known as HEART is a new pilot initiative through Utah State University Extension. This cutting-edge, 4-year pilot program is aligned with National Cooperative Extension’s recently instituted essential focus area in health and wellness. HEART serves as a model of how Extension can join community partners to better address the health and wellness needs in our state. HEART brings unique academic resources into the community, partnering locally and nationally to address the opioid epidemic and other pressing public health issues.

HEART Team Research

Diet, Nutrition, and Substance Use Disorder

Consuming a healthy diet can benefit everyone—especially individuals with substance use disorder (SUD), a disorder that occurs when frequent use of drugs or alcohol causes impairment, health issues, and difficulties with managing daily responsibilities (S...

Exercise and Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is perhaps the most pervasive medical issue in the United States. The long-term impacts of chronic pain often cause individuals to reduce or eliminate physical activity.