Bureau of Land Management reissues solicitation seeking services to expand fertility control efforts for wild horses and burros
The Bureau of Land Management has modified and reissued a solicitation seeking new contract services to humanely gather, treat with fertility control, and then release wild horses and burros back to the range.
The BLM and USFS to three fill vacancies on National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board
WASHINGON, D.C. — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) are seeking nominations to fill three positions on the National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board. The Advisory Board advises the BLM and USFS on the protection and man...
A Horse with no Name
Horses evolved on the North American landscape since the 1400s in a grassland ecosystem. Yet, all of the wild horses that exist today across the western states live in deserts, sagebrush steppe, or other shrub dominated systems. We talk with range scien
BLM enhances protections in wild horse and burro Adoption Incentive Program
To enhance existing protections for adopted wild horses and burros, the Bureau of Land Management is announcing new changes to its Adoption Incentive Program, which offers financial incentives to adopt untrained animals from the BLM.
BLM releases annual plan for wild horse and burro gathers and fertility control operations
The Bureau of Land Management plans to increase wild horse and burro gather and fertility control operations in Fiscal Year 2022 to reduce the risk of starvation, thirst, and habitat destruction as climate change and extreme drought continues to impact th...
F--Eastern States Wild Horse/Burro Off-Range Corrals
BLM has issues an open solicitation for off-range corral space in the Eastern United States to care for 200-300 wild horses and burros. Offers will be considered from states bordering and east of the Mississippi River. The solicitation was extended until ...
Wild Horse Roundups Ramping up as Drought Grips the US West
Tens of thousands of wild horses roam the American West, their power and beauty a potent symbol of rugged freedom central to the mythology of the range.
BLM prepares for emergency action to save drought-stricken wild horses and burros on public lands
The Bureau of Land Management today announced plans to take emergency action to save imperiled animals and prevent widespread thirst and mortality in wild horse and burro herds as drought intensifies across most of the West.
The BLM announces additional protective steps for wild horse and burro adoptions
The Bureau of Land Management today announced additional steps it will take to secure the health and safety of adopted wild horses and burros through the Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Incentive Program.
As drought deepens, BLM says roundups can save wild horses
Animal welfare advocates consider the kind of large-scale roundups of wild horses and burros the Bureau of Land Management has ramped up in the past year cruel and unnecessary, sometimes resulting in the frightened animals suffering serious injuries and, ...
Western Governors Association Policy Resolution 2021–05, Wild Horse and Burro Management
This renewed resolution notes the increasing demand on federal agencies to adequately manage wild horse and burro populations and offers support for thoughtful and science-based herd management decisions. The resolution includes updated estimates of the g...
Bureau of Land Management seeks community partners to support management and protection of wild horses and burros
The Bureau of Land Management has released a funding opportunity inviting new public and private partners to help support the agency’s mission to manage and protect wild horses and burros on public lands. The funding opportunity is open to a variety of or...
The Bureau of Land Management to begin Confusion Herd Management Area wild horse gather
On Nov. 29, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Fillmore Field Office will begin gather operations on the Confusion Herd Management Area (HMA) in western Utah. The gather is expected to last approximately 14 days.
The Bureau of Land Management posts significant accomplishments for wild horse and burro management in fiscal year 2020
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced several important accomplishments that support the agency’s mission of preserving wild horses and burros on public range lands in an ecologically sustainable way. During Fiscal Year 2020 – which ended Sept. 30...
The Bureau of Land Management expands off-range holding capacity for excess wild horses and burros with four new corral contracts
In support of the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) mission to sustainably manage wild horses and burros on public rangelands, the agency announced today that is has completed the necessary environmental analyses to award contracts for three new and one e...
Court sides with Bureau of Land Management in two cases important to wild horse and burro management
The Bureau of Land Management recently received two favorable decisions from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that support the agency’s on-going efforts to address a growing overpopulation of wild horses and burros on public lands.
Volunteers work to reduce wild horse population
A group of volunteers in Northern Nevada are taking refuge amidst the coronavirus pandemic in the great outdoors while providing a much-needed service. What are they doing? Darting wild horses with birth control. With a team of two dozen volunteers and a...
Judge Recommends New Look at Bid to List Wild Mustangs as Endangered
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service erred when it rejected a petition by an international advocacy group to list a population of wild horses in Montana as threatened or endangered, a federal judge said Tuesday.
The Bureau of Land Management announces three new appointees to the National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board
As part of its mandate to ensure public involvement and sciencebased decision making in managing America’s wild horses and burros, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced three appointments today for its National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board....
Uintah County plans to round up stray, abandoned horses next year
The Uintah County Commission this week authorized the removal of between 300 and 500 stray or abandoned horses from a wide swath of land due to vehicle collisions, poor rangeland conditions and the health of the animals.
Disease outbreak at Utah facility cancels wild horse adoption event
An outbreak of a highly contagious respiratory disease among wild horses at the Delta facility in central Utah forced the Bureau of Land Management to quarantine the animals and cancel a Nov. 1 adoption event.
The ride of the Saltwater Cowboy and its place in America’s horse culture
There are thousands of people crowded along the coastline of the tiny East Coast island of Chincoteague, which sits just a few miles from the mainland.
Could Wild Horses Feed the World’s Hungry?
Stan Summers remembers the time when as a young boy he was traipsing through the rangeland in northern Utah near the Nevada and Idaho borders, and there it was.
Is slaughtering wild horses a necessity? Tribes wrangle with controversial issue
In 2018, the supervisor of northeastern California’s Modoc National Forest wrote an op-ed describing what he said was a desperate ecological holocaust that needed immediate attention.