
Historically, managers suggest protecting restoration areas from grazing for at least one year. Some studies show that exposing a seeded site to the presence of livestock can enhance restoration success in certain locations [1]. This is because trampling can increase seed to soil contact and enhance heterogeneity of the soil surface.

In specific, mesic, locations, it may be advisable directly after seeding to allow livestock to enter the area for high intensity grazing (many animals in a short period of time). In addition to enhancing seed to soil contact, excretions of the animals may enhance soil fertility.



[1]    Eichberg C, Donath TW. Sheep trampling on surface-lying seeds improves seedling recruitment in open sand ecosystems. Restoration Ecology. 2018 [accessed 2022 Dec 23];26(S2):S211–S219. doi:10.1111/rec.12650