Drought Research
Impacts of Drought on Tribal Economies in Arizona
The objective of this fact sheet is to illustrate the economic impacts of drought on agriculture and reservation economies in Arizona. Arizona is the fourth driest state in the United States, with average yearly precipitation of 11.24 inches, and 78% of t...
Impacts of Drought on Tribal Economies in New Mexico
This fact sheet will illustrate the potential economic impacts of drought on agriculture and reservation economies in New Mexico. New Mexico is the fifth driest state in the United States, with an average yearly precipitation of 13.38 inches, and 69% of t...
Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Grasses, Grains, and Legumes
This fact sheet is the first in a series of three that provide an overview of drought-tolerant crops, grasses, and native plants, which may assist in maintaining agricultural production for food and feed and sustain grasslands and rangelands in the arid S...
Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Edible Produce
This fact sheet is the second in a series of three that provide an overview of drought-tolerant crops, grasses, and native plants, which may assist in maintaining agricultural production for food and feed and sustain grasslands and rangelands in the arid ...
Drought Mitigation for Cow/Calf Producers: Depopulation Strategies
A drought is a recurring event faced by many cow/calf producers across the nation. As drought events increase in their severity, it is important for cattle producers to have a management plan to mitigate the economic effects of drought. Two of the most co...
Southwest Utah Turfgrass Management Calendar
Cool-season grasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass or the fescues, may be seeded any time from midspring to early fall, but late summer/early fall is the optimum seeding time in southeast Utah. The warmth of the soil in late summer is more advantageous for s...
Economic Impacts of Drought in Utah: Uintah and Ouray Reservation
The objective of this fact sheet is to illustrate the economic impacts of drought on agriculture and the economy of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation in Utah.
Impacts of Drought on Tribal Economies in Nevada
The objective of this fact sheet is to illustrate the economic impacts of drought on agriculture and reservation economies in Nevada. Nevada is the driest state in the United States, with an average yearly precipitation of 9.96 inches, and 71% of the stat...
Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Ornamentals, Herbs, and Cosmetics
This fact sheet is the third in a series of three that provide an overview of drought-tolerant crops, grasses, and native plants, which may assist in maintaining agricultural production for food, feed, and cosmetics and sustain grasslands and rangelands i...