create a fruity dessert

Create a delicious fruity dessert from simple foods. Just choose an item from each category and follow the directions. Use your imagination! Each dish serves four adults. 

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Create a Fruity Dessert  

Step 1: Choose one or more fruits to make 4 cups
Below are some fruit options to help you brainstorm unique ideas:

• Apple

• Chokecherry

• Grapes

• Mango

• Pineapple

• Apricot

• Clementine

• Guava

• Nectarine

• Plum

• Banana

• Coconut

• Honeydew

• Orange

• Pomegranate

• Blackberry

• Cranberry

• Huckleberry

• Papaya

• Raspberry

• Blueberry

• Dragon fruit

• Kiwi

• Passion Fruit

• Rhubarb

• Cantaloupe

• Elderberry

• Lemon

• Peach

• Strawberry

• Cherry

• Grapefruit

• Lime

• Pear

• Watermelon

Step 2: Choose a preparation method
  • Fresh: Just wash, peel, and slice before enjoying the fruit.
  • Crumble: Preheat oven to 375° F. Cut fruit into uniform 1" cubes and layer on the bottom of a 9" baking dish.
    Combine the topping ingredients together in another bowl. Distribute the topping mixture evenly over the fruit.
    Bake for 35-40 minutes or until the fruit is bubbling and the topping is golden brown.
    • Crumble Topping
      • ½ cup oats
      • ¼ cup brown sugar
      • ¼ cup whole-wheat flour
      • 2 tablespoons canola oil
      • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Parfait: Wash and cut fruit into bite-sized pieces. Choose any variety of base ingredients and toppings; layer base, fruit, and toppings. Enjoy!
    • Base: yogurt (Greek), cottage cheese, oats, pudding
    • Toppings: crumble topping from above, granola, nuts, honey, crumbled graham crackers


Select fruit and preparation method. Follow the instructions for the desired method. The options and combinations are truly endless, so use your creativity in putting the fruity dessert together and the whole family is sure to enjoy your creation.

Create a Fruity Dessert Recipe Collection