How to Transition Your Farm, Ranch or Business to Organic

Before you can become certified organic, you must first implement organic practices. This includes stopping the use of prohibited inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. The National List outlines which non-organic fertilizers may still be used in an organic operation. You must be able to prove that you have not used any of the prohibited substances in the past three years before becoming certified organic.

Once your farm, ranch, or business has transitioned to organic practices, you will be able to start the certification process. This will start with choosing a USDA-accredited certifying agent, paying fees, and writing an Organic System Plan (OSP). There are also programs such as the Organic Certification Cost Share Program (OCCSP) that you can apply for to have some of your certification costs paid for.

The California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) and USDA created a self-assessment tool for the OSP that helps farmers determine if practices occurring on the farm follow certification regulations. The OSP must document, in great detail, the practices on your farm including:

  • Purchase and application records of all fertilizers and pesticides used
  • Records of seed purchase, planting dates, harvesting, processing, and sales
  • Actions to promote soil health
  • Actions to protect your organic land and crops from the unintended drift of prohibited substances from adjacent land such as a buffer or windbreak, if needed
  • A map showing the crop acreage and features and physical characteristics of the farm and the surrounding area
  • Information on how the land next to your growing areas is being used

After your certification application has been submitted, it will be reviewed by your certifier. Your agent will then schedule an inspection if your application is complete and meets the organic standards. Once and inspection has been scheduled, it will be completed by an organic inspector, who will visit your farm, ranch, or business and compare your practices to your OSP.

Following the completion of the inspection, your certifier will review the inspection report created by the organic inspector. You certifier may require you to make some changes if you do not fully meet the requirements. If you are fully complacent with the regulations, your certifier will issue you an organic certificate and you may begin marketing your products as organic.


How to Become Certified Organic from the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service website

10-step Checklist to Transition to Certified Organic

A Guide for Conventional Farmers Transitioning to Organic Certification

USDA Organic Cost Share Program

Infographic by Oregon Tilth, Record Keeping Case Study: Keeping Records for a Crop Audit