4-H Dog Club
Hello all 4-Hers, current, past and new,
We have some amazing news and a big year planned for everyone.
First of all we want to thank all the youth that participated in our program last year and the years before that. You are the reason we work and plan so hard. We are so fortunate to be able to know and adore each one of you. Our lives are enriched because of your outstanding personalities! You rock!
A big high five for all the parent helpers that are always there helping to make things run smoothly. You have incredible children and it's a pleasure to spend time with them. We applaud you!
Parents: We need you to contact the 4-H office this week and make sure your children are registered for this new year. Once you are registered the office will send us notification of your current status and your child will then be updated in our current records. 4-H Office Contact is 435-752-6263.
Portfolios: We work very hard on portfolios in our club. As you need forms to fill out with your portfolio, you can download them here: Green Divider Forms | Printable White Portfolio Forms
We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Your excited dog 4-H leaders!
Volunteer Club Leaders: Pam Headley 435-535-6337 | 4hdogprogram@gmail.com