
Why do a Portfolio?

Benefits of the 4-H Portfolio include participating in the county contest with cash prizes, gaining record keeping skills, entering state contests in the 9th-12th grade, applying for 4-H Scholarships, etc. The NEW FORMAT teaches you how to organize your 4-H experiences into a resume and coverletter format. This is a skill to develop as 4-H members apply for scholarships, college, and employment following your 4-H years.

NEED HELP? Try the 4-H Portfolio Course

Other Click & Go Portfolio Resources

Cover Letter Objectives

Cover letter objectives may vary for several reasons, reflecting the unique circumstances and goals of each applicant. Additionally, the industry and contest play a significant role; a creative field may value originality and personality, whereas a more traditional sector might prioritize professionalism and adherence to established norms. Tailoring the cover letter objectives ensures that candidates effectively communicate their fit for the role and resonate with potential employers.

County Contest Objectives

  • Summarize what project(s) you have participated in 4-H this year and what new knowledge and skills you have gained.
  •  What would you consider the most significant 4-H experience you have had this year in 4-H and why?
  •  Explain how your involvement in 4-H has influenced you life for the better.
  •  Explain what you have done in 4-H this year that has challenge you to grow, and pushed you out of your comfort zone.

Box Elder Junior Livestock

  • Summarize your project for the current year and specifically the skills you have developed, knowledge you have gained, and goals you have achieved.
  • Describe your 4-H leadership experiences and how you have grown as a person.
  • Provide details on the impacts of 4-H community service and how these experiences have affected your community.
  • Explain how your involvement in the Utah 4-H Junior Livestock project has impacted your life and challenged you to grow outside of your comfort zone.

Submission Details

County Contest-Submission Deadline September 15 (submissions closed)

BEJL - Box Elder Junior Livestock participants are required to do a portfolio AND  must submit this form on the BEJL website by November 1st.