Additional Links
- Livestock for Landscapes- Teach your cows to eat weeds and use your livestock to reduce fire danger, control weeds, improve wildlife habitat, and enhance biodiversity.
- American Grazinglands Services - is dedicated to improving the health and sustainable productivity of grazing lands using of management-intensive grazing practices. They provide consulting services and grazing management tools. If you want to reduce feeding hay in winter, you may want to visit this site.
Livestock Handling
- Bud Williams Stockmanship School - Teaching low-stress livestock handling methods.
- Steve Cote's Book on Stockmanship is available online at Temple Grandins' site.
- Effective Stockmanship - more tips on livestock handling
- Hand 'n Hand Livestock Solutions - another good site on stockmanship with videos you can view online.
- - Conditioned Taste Aversion.
- Temple Grandin's Web Page - Livestock behavior, design of facilities and humane slaughter.
- Conditioned Taste Aversion Data Base - Everything your ever wanted to know about conditioned taste aversion.
- Conditioned Taste Aversion and Predators - This site overviews the benefits using conditioned taste aversion with wildlife, especially predators.
Invasive Plants
- Ecologically-based Invasive Plant Management (EBIPM) - Science-based solutions for invasive annual grasses.
- The Great Basin and Invasive Weeds - A tour of the Great Basin and its weed problems