Utah Beekeeping Associations
There are currently over 700 beekeepers in the Beehive State, get to know some! Local beekeeping clubs are an excellent source of knowledge and information. Here is a list of beekeeping clubs and associations in Utah.
Cache Valley Beekeepers Association
Facebook: facebook.com/CVBeekeepers
USU Beekeeping & Entomology Club
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/112841172126201
Iron County 4-H Beekeeping Club
Website: ironbeekeeper.org
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/IronBeekeeper/
Utah Beekeepers Association
Website: utahbeekeepers.com
Utah County Beekeepers Association
Website: utahcountybeekeepers.org
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/332266457945
Wasatch Beekeepers Association
Website: wasatchbeekeepers.org
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/357351232625
Southern Utah Beekeepers
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/227241190622939
Carbon County Beekeepers
(866) 579-1501
Grand County
President: Jerry Shue
(435) 259-7541
San Juan County
President: Dudley Beck
(435) 672-2361
University of Utah Beekeepers Association
Facebook: facebook.com/University-of-Utah-Beekeepers-Association-179824452182911/
Email: uofubeekeepers@gmail.com