About Us

JayDee Gunnell - Regional Horticulturalist
JayDee became the "go to" for all things beekeeping with USU Extension 4+ years ago when he started the Thriving Hive Advanced Beekeeping series at the Utah State University Botanical Center in Kaysville. JayDee has provided beekeeping classes throughout Northern Utah and maintains hives in Cache Valley. He is a regional horticulturalist and provides programming in Cache Valley and along the Wasatch Front. JayDee's specialty is woody plants, so he can tell you what trees and shrubs to plant to make your bees buzz!

Andree' Walker Bravo - Assistant Professor/Urban Director
Andree' is relatively new to beekeeping, but is fully hooked! She maintains her own hives at her home in Tooele as well as helps manage the hives placed at Wheeler Historic Farm in Murray. Andree's daughter, Olivia, is also hooked and is the best inspection helper around. Andree' is a certified Apprentice Beekeeper through the University of Montana and has a MS in Watershed Science from Utah State University. Andree' works closely with the Salt Lake County Bee Inspector and the other "Bee" team faculty and loves soaking up their experience and knowledge. Andree' also is keeping and learning about Blue Orchard Bees.