USU Extension
Beaver County Office
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m.
What is USU Extension?
With offices covering Utah's 29 counties, Utah State University Extension provides research-based community education, resources and programs in the areas of agriculture and natural resources; business and community; food, health, and wellness; home, finance, and relationships; and 4-H and youth.Follow Us/Subscribe
How We Can Help
USU Extension offers expertise and pertinent information specific to the needs of our county
USU Extension Beaver County office builds agricultural programs to provide educational opportunities for youth and adults. A few of these programs include:
- Soil, crop and water testing. (Forms needed for these services are linked for your convenience, or are available at the Extension Office.)
- Pest management of weevil, grasshoppers, mormon crickets, gophers and ground squirrels.
- Water quality and quantity.
Other programs include:
- Sweep Net Sampling; a program to aid alfalfa producers in monitoring weevil and other bug infestations.
- Range Trials spanning 12 years to identify which range grasses do best in our area.
- Ag in the Classroom; a county wide program introducing many aspects of agriculture.
Utah State University Analytical Labratories is offering discounts for bulk samples and our USU campus opportunity. The following materials are available for testing:
- Forage- hay, grass, etc.
- Manure- cow, horse, composts, etc.
- Plants- field crops, fruit trees, etc.
- Soil- field, lawn, garden, etc.
- Water- irrigation, livestock, etc.
Click here for more information.

Beaver County's Home, Family, and Food goals are to enhance the quality of life among families and communities by addressing the issues of nutrition, parenting and child development, management of personal finances and economic development. Our motto is “raising kids, eating right, spending smart and living well.”
The Family and Consumer Science Agent’s focus is to teach the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors needed for:
- Promoting optimal nutrition and wellness across the life span.
- Strengthening the well-being of individuals and families across the life span.
- Using critical and creative thinking skills to address problems in diverse family, community, and work environments.
- Ensuring security for the family’s financial needs.
- Balancing personal, home, family and work lives.
- Using available resources to promote economic development.
Extension Resources:
4-H Online is a fully integrated management system that brings together all levels of the 4-H experience. Whether it's a member logging in to manage her record, a club leader printing mailing labels, or a county agent approving a member's enrollment, 4HOnline brings the 4-H community together and keeps everyone involved.
To join, login, register for events, or volunteer please visit Zsuite!
USU Extension Beaver County Contact Information