Your soil is the most important part of your garden. Soil tests are a fantastic way to get a basis of what to do with your soil, and a few pointers outlined below will also help.
Understanding and Working with Your Soil
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Policies and Programs for Water-Wise Residential Landscaping in Utah
Water-wise landscaping is the practice of using plants in a landscape that are adapted to local conditions and only need small amounts of water. Converting yards to water-wise landscaping conserves water and is a climate adaptation action residents can ta...
Preparing and Improving Garden Soil
A great garden starts with healthy soil. In Utah, there are unique considerations for creating and maintaining healthy soils.
Selecting and Using Inorganic Fertilizers
Homeowners recognize the need for timely fertilizer applications to enhance plant growth in landscapes and gardens. However, the number of different products on the market can be overwhelming. Nursery and garden supply stores commonly stock a dozen or mor...
Worm composting as it is more commonly known is the process of using worms to break down discarded food and other organic wastes and convert them into compost and liquid fertilizers.
Sustainable Manure and Compost Application: Garden and Micro Farm Guidelines
When properly managed, animal manures increase soil fertility, build soil organic matter, and sustainably cycle nutrients. However, knowing how much and when to apply manure is critical for long-term soil heath.
Backyard Composting in Utah
The benefits of using compost as a soil amendment include increasing soil tilth, fertility, water holding capacity, aeration, and drainage.
Using Compost in Utah Gardens
When applied to soil, compost increases organic matter content, improves soil structure, and provides nutrients for plant growth.
Using Mulches in Utah Landscapes and Gardens
Mulching is the process of maintaining a relatively thick, continuous layer of material such as bark, leaves, or rock on the soil surface.
It's All About Soil Structure!
The single best soil amendment—the one that provides desirable benefits regardless of the soil one applies it to—is organic matter.
Why are my soils so alkaline? Can I lower my soil's pH?
With so much interest in acid-loving plants like blueberry, azalea, silver maple, etc., many folks wish they could easily reduce their high, alkaline pH levels to accommodate them.
Selecting and Using Organic Fertilizers
Homeowners recognize the need for timely nutrient applications to promote vigorous plant growth in landscapes and gardens. These nutrients may be supplied by either organic or inorganic fertilizers, or a combination of materials. Many nursery and garden s...
Gardening in Clay Soils
This fact sheet covers the basics of clay, silt and sand soils with an emphasis on gardening in soils with a high clay content. It includes information on the composition of clay soils, gardening tips for managing clay soils, and the types of plants that ...
Gardening in Sandy Soils
Learn the basics of clay, silt and sand soils with an emphasis on gardening in soils with high sand content. Get tips for gardening tips for managing sandy soils, and the types of plants that grow best in sandy soils.
Solutions to Soil Problems: IV. Soil Structure (compaction)
Compaction destroys soil structure and causes significant plant growth problems in Utah landscapes. It is normally caused by repeated foot or vehicle traffic over the same soil area.
Solutions to Soil Problems V. Low Organic Matter
Utah soils are inherently low in organic matter due to the desert climate and historically low plant growth rates.
Solutions to Soil Problems II. High pH
The majority of soils in Utah are alkaline with an average pH of 8.0. Alkaline soils in Utah are the product of the alkaline parent materials that formed them and thousands of years of development in an arid (low rainfall) environment.
Solutions to Soil Problems I. High Salinity (soluble salts)
Salinity is a measure of the total amount of soluble salts in soil. As soluble salt levels increase, it becomes more difficult for plants to extract water from soil. Some plants are more resistant than other’s, but as the salt levels exceed their ability ...
Urea: A Low Cost Nitrogen Fertilizer with Special Management Requirements
Urea usually has the lowest cost per pound of nitrogen compared to other single-element nitrogen fertilizers. However, urea undergoes unique chemical transformations when field applied and severe losses in efficiency may result if special management pract...
Are Organic Matter Soil Amendments Created Equal?
Each class of material has specific characteristics and management issues when it comes to using it as a soil amendment.
Topsoil Quality Guidelines for Landscaping
The benefits of using compost as a soil amendment include increasing soil tilth, fertility, water holding capacity, aeration, and drainage.
Solutions to Soil Problems III. Drainage
Drainage is a common problem throughout Utah.
Understanding Your Soil Test Report
Regular soil testing helps to develop and maintain more productive soils for farming, gardening, and landscaping. The purpose of this guide is to help you understand and interpret the results from a Utah State University soil test report. Additional Utah ...