Shooting Sports- Washington County 4-H
The 4-H shooting sports program builds confidence, self-discipline, skill, and it's fun! 4-H Shooting sports focuses on 3 shooting disciplines: 1) Shotgun 2) Long rifle and 3) Archery, and 3 education areas; 1) Wildlife ID 2) Safety test and trail 3) Orienteering/ compass. Each shooting venue requires a fee to satisfy the upkeep of the facility and improve it, usually the fee is no more than $5.00. You are not required to attend each discipline area, you can choose the one you want to become proficient in and only attend that one, or you can learn all areas of discipline. We love having the youth learn all areas of focus but understand that is not always possible. This is a starting point for those that are interested but not sure how far they want to go with shooting sports.
Youth are taught the finer points of each discipline and then as they practice they become proficient in each. Remember to practice on your own, this is a fun, learning family activity. The competitions across the state allow them to show off their shooting abilities, learn new skills and make new friends. Shooting sports requires discipline and practice. As they learn they realize they are in charge of which level of skill they want to be at. They soon learn that, "if it is to be it's up to me!" REMEMBER SAFETY FIRST!
If you are interested in this program and would like more information please call our office (435)301-7740 or e-mail Ben Scow - .
All our shooting practices will be held at the Southern Utah Shooting Sports Park. Our new offices are also in this area, you pass them as you go to the shooting park.
- Age: 8 - 18
- Grade: 3rd - 12th
- Completed Hunters Education Course (Blue Card)
October 2022-June 2023
Curriculum and Resources
4-H Shooting Sports Guide Book
What you need to bring to practice:
- Your own eye & ear protection
- A minimum of 40 rounds of 22 shells
- 25 rounds of shotgun shells
- A bow if you don't have one let us know so we can bring one for you.
- The venues may require a fee so bring about $5.00
- Bring water, there are not drinking fountains at the venues.
If you have questions or need equipment call the Extension office at (435)301-7740.
Click here for the map!
This is an online class where you study the course online, print of the chapter quizzes and bring them with you.
Cost will be $10.00 and you will need to purchase a voucher from any retailer that sells hunting licenses, bring it with you.
This class will be held at our new office located at: 339 So. 5500 W. Hurricane, UT 84737
A "blue card" is a required for our shooting competitions.
You can get the blue card by taking the Hunter's Ed. class offered through DWR.
Click on the link below to sign up for a class in our area.
4-H Shooting Sports Guidelines
Because there will usually be other people using the facility your respect for them and your behavior must be in line with the range safety rules and the ethics of all hunter’s and shooters.
Expectations/Safety rules:
- We welcome any parent that would like to volunteer in the 4-H program! Please call our office if you are interested.
- Parents are welcome, but asked to allow the child the autonomy to learn/practice. Closely supervise younger children and pets are NOT allowed at the range.
- Safety is always a high priority, if safety rules are not followed then the youth is asked to leave and come back when they are ready to be safe and follow the range safety rules. There is one reminder only, when lives are on the line with unsafe behavior these rules need to be faithfully observed. The second warning is actually asking them to leave or sit out until after practice.
- You are responsible for firearm safety while using this facility so learn the rules of the range and ALWAYS listen to the Range Safety Officer (RSO). If you don't have the rules that are posted for this range then ask for a copy so you can become familiar with them.
- You are responsible to maintain muzzle control ALWAYS pointing your muzzle in a safe direction (down range) and making sure of what is beyond your target.
- You are responsible for listening to the range master and only handling your firearm when told to do so and you are on the firing line.
- You are responsible to apply the skills you learn so you can improve your skills and discipline in each area of shooting.
- You are responsible to maintain your shooting equipment and keep them in good repair and to know your equipment.
- You are responsible to bring your own shooting equipment, ammunition, water, and ground cloth (for prone position) when necessary.
- How well you do is up to you each time your score is better or you perfect a learned skill you will have the desire to keep getting better
- It is up to you to enjoy what we do, if not please don’t disrupt those wanting to learn and practice.
This is a fun program where safety is of utmost importance there is no reason for anybody participating to be unsafe. I don’t think anyone here would want to be accountable for someone getting hurt.
The discipline and skills you will learn will stay with you throughout your life. The best part is you will enjoy and learn a lifelong sport. Plus make new friends.