Adding Cups of Connection to Your Relationship Pool

Dr. Dave Schramm talks about ways to add cups of connection to your relationship pool, ways to avoid losing water and what to do if there are cracks.

Adding Cups of Connection to Your Relationship Pool 

  • Fill your relationship pool one cup at a time.
  • Fill it using kindness, gratitude and affection.
  • You will lose water if cups aren’t constantly being added.

Ways Water is Lost

  •  Evaporation: not doing anything for your relationship. 
  • Dipping and Splashing: sarcastic comments, using unkind words.
  • Loyalty Leaks- breaking trust or not being honest. 
  • If there are cracks in the pool, use resources such as counseling or relationship education courses. 

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Adding Cups of Connection to Your Relationship Pool 


David Schramm
Associate Professor, Family Life Extension Specialist

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