Depending on the cost of plastic mulch, equipment availability, early market opportunities, and field installation systems, growing corn using plasticulture may be economically viable. Potential benefits include improved weed control, warmer soils, increased soil moisture retention, earlier first harvest, and increased yields. One study from Iowa State University using ‘Temptation’ sweet corn found that clear plastic Sweet Corn mulch shortened the first harvest date by 4 days. Additionally, all the various colors of plastic mulch tested increased yield by 5% to 12% compared to the bare ground control. Other studies have reported earlier ripening times of up to 7 days.
When considering using plastics, plant in furrows with clear plastic installed over the rows (low tunnel) or lay plastic first, and then plant the seeds through the plastic. The second system requires either specialized plastic planters or planting is done by hand.
Yields for processing corn average between 4 and 6 tons per acre. For fresh market varieties, expect between 17,000-20,000 ears/acre (1,000 and 1,200 dozen) per acre. Higher yields, upwards of 2,000 dozen ears per acre, can be obtained with careful irrigation and nutrient management.