Varietal Selection

Potato variety selection can be challenging given the number of choices available. Consider the length of the growing season, soil type, climate conditions, and production practices when selecting varieties. Little testing of potato varieties has been done in Utah, but with our proximity to Idaho, selecting varieties successful in Idaho is reasonable. Remember, most varieties will grow and produce tubers, but not all may be suited to your location. When selecting a new variety, compare it to existing varieties grown on your farm. Evaluate new varieties based on earliness, vine growth habit, and disease resistance. If viruses and fungal diseases have been problems, look for varieties with some resistance to these issues. Heirloom varieties, while popular, generally lack disease resistance and are more prone to cosmetic defects. 

Variety Suggestions

Tuber Types Varieties Tuber Characteristics
Early CalWhite white skin; white-flesh
Early Irish Cobbler buff skin; white flesh
Early Russett Norkotah russet skin; white flesh
Early Dark Red Norland dark red skin; white flesh
Early Norland red skin; white flesh
Mid-Season French Fingerling pink skin; yellow flesh
Mid-Season Gold Rush russet skin; white flesh
Mid-Season NorValley white skin; white flesh
Mid-Season Chieftain red skin; white flesh
Mid-Season Red La Soda deep red skin; white flesh
Mid-Season Red Pontiac red skin; white flesh
Late-Season Bannock Russet russet skin; white flesh
Late-Season Katahdin whitish skin & flesh
Late-Season Russet Burbank russet skin; white flesh
Late-Season Yukon Gold yellow; buff skin; yellow flesh
Late-Season Ida Rose red skin; white flesh
Late-Season Russian Banana yellow skin; yellow flesh
Late-Season Western Russet russet skin; white flesh
*Variety recommendations from University of Idaho Commercial Potato Production in North America

We recommend that growers regularly test new varieties and compare them to what they already grow. On-farm testing is the best way to identify varieties that are most suited to local farms and unique conditions.