Colorado Potato Beetle
Adult: This beetle is a similar size (9 mm long) and shape as a lady beetle but with yellow and black stripes.
Egg: Small, bright yellow to orange oval-shaped eggs are laid in clusters of about 20-45 on the underside of leaves.
Larva: Larvae are about 12 mm long when mature. Small bulbous larvae are reddish with two rows of black spots alongside of the body.
Pupa: Pupa are oval in shape and cream to orange.
Life History
Overwintering adults emerge from under plant debris and in the soil around May in northern Utah. Females lay egg clusters on the undersides of leaves of potato, tomato, pepper, eggplant, nightshade, and other solanaceous plants. Larvae feed for 10-30 days, and then pupate in the soil. There are two to three generations per season.
Colorado potato beetle (CPB) adults and larvae feed on foliage and can defoliate plants if not controlled. The last (4th) instar larva causes most of the feeding damage. Potatoes in the vegetative stage can usually tolerate up to 30% defoliation, but when tubers start to bulk, plants can tolerate no more than 10% defoliation. Thus, it is crucial to manage CPB soon after flowering, as this is when tuber bulking begins. Other CPB hosts include eggplant, tomato, pepper, and other nightshade or solanaceous plants.
Start monitoring fields at crop emergence for the presence of CPB. Larvae prefer to feed at the tops of plants, making it simple to scout by checking these areas when walking through fields. Because small populations are easier to manage than large ones, the goal is to limit population growth and spread.
- Rotate crops and maintain sanitation. Crop rotation delays and reduces infestations. If potatoes follow potatoes, overwintering CPB will immediately infest the new crop. Destroy any solanaceous plant residues that may provide alternate food sources.
Damsel bugs and big-eyed bugs feed on eggs and young larvae; predatory stink bugs will attack larvae. Two bioinsecticides are effective on young larvae: the bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis var tenebrionis (Bt), and the fungus, Beauveria bassiana.
CPB has developed resistance to nearly every class of chemicals. Thus, it is critical to carefully rotate insecticide modes of action. In spring, wait until eggs have hatched for the first application. Border sprays may provide a more economical choice, especially early in the season before populations increase and spread throughout fields.
Several economic treatment thresholds have been developed. One adult or larva per plant early in the season generally warrants control. After flowering/ tuber bulking, treat when there are an average of 1.5 large larvae or adults per plant.