Root Maggots

Onion Maggot

Adult Onion Maggot (
Adult Onion Maggot (

Onion Maggot Damage (Rasback,
Onion Maggot Damage (Rasback,

Onion Maggot Levels of Injury
Onion Maggot Levels of Injury

Adult Seedcorn Maggot (Valter Jacinto, iNaturalist)
Adult Seedcorn Maggot (Valter Jacinto, iNaturalist)


Adult: Onion maggot flies are about 6.35 mm with brownish-gray bodies and large wings. They resemble houseflies but have longer legs, are more slender, and overlap their wings at rest.  
Egg: Eggs are white, elongated, and about 8 mm long. They are deposited in or on the soil, near young leaves, necks, or bulbs. 
Larva: Maggots are legless, tapered, about 8 mm long, and creamy-white. They have hooked mouthparts for rasping their way into plant tissue, and require 2 to 3 weeks to complete development.
Pupa: Chestnut brown and about 8 mm long, pupae may be found 1-6 inches deep in soil.

Life History

There are normally three generations of onion maggots per year. The first, usually the largest and most damaging, generally emerges in mid to late May. Females begin laying eggs 7 to 10 days after emergence. Adult onion maggot flies survive about 2 to 3 weeks, during which hundreds of eggs may be laid. Eggs will hatch into maggots within 2 to 3 days. Maggots feed on roots and bulbs below the soil surface for about 2 to 3 weeks and when mature, they burrow 1 to 4 inches (2.5 to 10 cm) deep to pupate. First and second-generation pupae remain in the soil for 2 to 4 weeks before adults emerge. Pupae from the third generation will overwinter in the soil among unharvested onions and culls before emerging as adults the following spring.


First generation onion maggot larvae feed on the roots and bulbs of young onion plants, which causes wilting and plant death. One larva typically kills several adjacent onion seedlings during its growth and development. Damage caused by second and third generation larvae is typically less severe (i.e., doesn’t kill the whole plant), since it is more difficult for the Onions larvae to penetrate the developing bulb. However, feeding from later larvae can still result in rotting bulb tissue and provide openings for other diseases, reducing bulb quality and storability.

Seedcorn Maggot


Adult: Seedcorn maggot adults are about 5 mm long with gray to brown bodies and are similar in appearance to the onion maggot.  
Egg: Eggs are white and elongated. They are deposited in soils rich in organic/decaying matter and on seeds and seedlings. 
Larva: Maggots are legless, tapered, about 6 mm long, and yellowish-white. Head-ends are wedge-shaped with small black mouth hooks.
Pupa: Oval-shaped, dark brown, about the size of a grain of wheat, and found in the soil. 

Life History

Adult flies emerge in April and May and begin mating within 2 to 3 days. Females lay eggs in or on soils and seeds. Eggs hatch in 2 to 4 days, at which point the larvae burrow into seeds and feed on emerging cotyledons and plant roots. Mature larvae pupate in the soil and remain in this stage for approximately 7 to 14 days. Seedcorn maggots overwinter as pupae. A complete generation takes about 3 to 4 weeks, and about two to three generations occur per year.


Maggots prefer feeding in soils rich in organic and decaying matter (such as manure). They burrow into the seeds and roots of many vegetable crops, destroy the seed germ, and may cause rot in plant tissue. Damaged seeds are unable to provide adequate food resources to support initial plant growth. Seeds and plants attacked by seedcorn maggots may not emerge, causing reduced stands. 

Maggot Management

Onion and seedcorn maggot damage is uncommon in Utah due to soils low in organic matter and typical dry, warm conditions in the spring. Any practice that speeds up germination and plant emergence will help reduce crop losses from maggots. 


  • Sanitize fields. Remove or destroy onion culls and debris from fields after harvest and volunteer onions in the spring. Culls and volunteer onions can be burned or buried; eliminate them before the current season’s crop emerges.
  • Rotate onions with unrelated crops. Onions should be planted at least one mile from previous onion plantings. Maggot populations are generally higher after a legume (e.g., alfalfa, beans, peas) has been plowed into the soil than when a grass (e.g., corn, rye, wheat) is incorporated.
  • Delay planting onions in problem field sites. This will shorten the time the flies have to lay their eggs and allow the soil to warm up and dry out.
  • Plant more tolerant varieties. No commercial onion varieties are resistant to early or mid-generation onion maggot attacks, but some earlier maturing onions are more tolerant to third-generation larvae.
  • Handle seeds carefully to avoid cracking the seed coat. A cracked seed coat provides entry points for maggots and other diseases.
  • Avoid planting in soils that are high in undecomposed organic matter.
  • Plant during fly free periods determined by monitoring.
  • Use sticky traps. Yellow sticky cards serve as a monitoring tool to assess pest infestation levels around fields and may serve as a control measure by reducing the amount of adult populations before egg laying occurs.
  • Use row covers in small-scale production sites (impractical for large fields). Row covers placed over transplants at planting time can reduce egg laying. Cover seedbeds with a floating row cover immediately after sowing to prevent infestation. Be sure the cover extends at least 6 inches on each side of the seed row. Remove covers when plants are big enough to tolerate damage.


Seed or furrow treatments with insecticides are effective for preventive measures. An insecticide applied to the soil at planting protects seedlings from damage by first generation larvae. Two common methods that protect onions include an in-furrow application of a granular or liquid insecticide, or planting seed treated with a systemic insecticide. Areas infested with seedcorn maggots may need to be replanted after preventive measures are taken.


Onion maggot enemies include a rove beetle which destroys fly pupae and is both a predator and a parasite, ground beetles that consume soil stages of the maggots, and some parasitic wasps and flies. Although much of the seedcorn maggot’s life cycle is spent protected underground, naturally occurring fungi may attack and decrease seedcorn maggot larval populations. Predation by spiders, ants, and birds upon adults may also occur. Selective insecticides, such as seed treatments, allow natural enemies to supplement maggot control.