Forming a Youth Council
Youth Councils provide youth with an experience that can create a sense of belonging, build their interpersonal skills, develop leadership and enhance their resume for future college and career opportunities. Starting a Youth Council in your community will bring positive changes for years to come.
How to Get Started
Determine the Best Adult Mentor
- Find adults who have a passion for youth and a willingness to let them lead
- Consider placing youth with a staff person who can provide long-term sustainability
- Some municipalities form a mayor’s youth council and have a member appointed by council members after they review applications
- Other options include your local 4-H office, your school district or high school, and/or a municipal department such as parks and recreation, public information, assistant manager, or clerk
Align the Council within the Municipality
- The youth council should be aligned with the manager’s office for the purposes of housing the youth council’s meetings and funding initiatives
- The youth council should be viewed as an essential part of the local government structure
- It should not simply be relegated to one department or extension
It Starts with Why
- Consider the purpose and role of your youth council
- Students can advise your council or commission, implement initiatives and events to reach other youth, and bring a different perspective on issues
- Students will know their voices are heard and respected
- Students will become valued participants in your municipalities work
- A youth council can introduce information on municipal government and leadership that its members may not receive elsewhere
Determine Student’s Needs
- Talk with a guidance counselor at a local school, a leader at your recreation center, and/or a youth pastor
- Learn what issues student’s face and ask about challenges your municipality might experience in working with local youth
- Assemble student’s to share ideas
Make it Official
- A locality should adopt a resolution or ordinance that establishes a youth council
- Seek the advice and counsel of your attorney
Items in a Resolution/Ordinance Establishing a Council
- Establishment of the youth council
- Membership composition
- Explanation of how members are selected
- Length of terms
- Responsibilities of members
- Whether the council will be placed in the government or an outside agency
- Organizational and leadership structure, meeting requirements and procedures
- Budget: How will it be funded and whether you will allow sponsorships and fundraising
Use Available Resources
- Sample Application
- Sample Charter
- Robert's Rules of Order
- Parliamentary Procedure
- Fun ways to teach Parliamentary Procedure
- Learn more about Youth Councils
- Utilize Youth Leadership Resources (15 min lesson plans, Guidebooks, Trainings etc.)
- Adopt the Teen Spheres of Influence Model
- Join the Utah Association of Youth Councils