State and Federal Government Information
The BLM scoping period for changes to sage-grouse stipulations in BLM land use plans closes on Feb 8, 2022.
(This is a step that informs what goes into different alternatives in the draft Environmental Impact Statement.)
See below on:
- a bulleted list of major issues and questions under consideration (it's a helpful list -- take a minute to read it!)
- how to comment, and
- what this is all for
If any of the listed issues are important to you (mineral leasing in sage-grouse habitat? mitigation? horses? sagebrush focal areas? adaptation of habitat designations over time?) and you have opinions about how they should be addressed in any new or revised policy option presented in the draft EIS, please consider submitting a scoping comment.
Written public input can be submitted on the BLM website, For further information, contact Patricia Deibert, National Sage-grouse Coordinator (Acting); email:; address: 440 W 200 S Suite 500, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101; telephone: 307-757-3709. Public input on planning issues will be accepted until February 8, 2022.
The BLM will provide further public involvement opportunities as appropriate, consistent with the National Environmental Planning Act (NEPA) and land use planning processes, including a 90-day comment period on any draft land use plan amendment/environmental impact statement (EIS); and a 30-day public protest period and 60-day Governor's consistency review on any proposed land use plan amendment/final EIS.
From the Notice of Intent ( The public is invited to comment on the BLM's preliminary purpose and need for action, as well as provide data relevant to inform this planning initiative. The BLM's preliminary need is to amend land use plans to address issues related to greater sage-grouse (GRSG) land management raised by various interested parties; consider recent developments in relevant science; advance implementation of the Department of the Interior's Climate Action Plan; and address continued GRSG and sagebrush habitat loss and GRSG population declines.
- Identification, management, and conservation of the most important GRSG and sagebrush habitat (Sagebrush Focal Areas)
- GRSG habitat management areas, how to adapt these over time, and how to manage non-habitat
- Habitat objectives for GRSG, including effects of climate change.
- Application of the mitigation hierarchy, including compensatory mitigation.
- Approaches to minimizing disturbance to GRSG and sagebrush habitats, including disturbance/density caps and buffers.
- Leasing and development of mineral resources in GRSG and sagebrush habitat.
- Leasing and development of renewable energy resources in GRSG and sagebrush habitat, including associated transmission lines.
- Management of livestock grazing and wild horse and burro populations in GRSG and sagebrush habitat.
- Strategies for GRSG and sagebrush habitat restoration while avoiding unintended consequences to other species.
- Process to adapt management of GRSG and sagebrush habitat to respond to habitat loss and population declines.
- Role of wildland fire and invasive species in the management of GRSG and sagebrush habitat.
- Strategies for short- and long-term monitoring of GRSG and sagebrush habitat.
- How new and relevant scientific information affects GRSG and sagebrush habitat management.
- Whether the BLM should reconsider alternatives from the 2015 or 2019 plan amendments.
- Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) nominations or recommendations
The final listing decision made by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was published in the Federal Register on October 2, 2015. The 12 month finding can be accessed at
State of Utah Conservation Plan for Greater Sage-grouse. January 2019. Link to Plan
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. 2020. Utah Greater Sage-Grouse Lek Count Report: Lek Counts, Aerial Search, and Adaptive Management Triggers. Report published August 18, 2020. Salt Lake City, UT.