Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation
The Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation: All Lands, All Hands Conference was held February 23 to 25, 2016, in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Great Basin Consortium, the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, and Utah State University co-sponsored this conference to continue sharing the latest information and to plan for the conservation, restoration, and maintenance of resilient sagebrush ecosystems. Session topics are listed below. Recorded proceedings are now available at no charge. Please see the conference website for details:
Recent unprecedented collaboration between management agencies, scientists, private landowners, industry, and others working to sustain healthy sagebrush ecosystems across all boundaries demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach. The conference will highlight and enhance the work of wildlife and land managers, scientists, students, private landowners and industry, and others to sustain healthy and resilient sagebrush ecosystems.
Sessions Included:
- Weed Summit Outcome
- Secretarial Order Overview
- Brome Grasses: impacts, invasiveness, socioeconomics, and management prospects
- Multi-species Management
- Conifer Expansion: science and management
- Engaging Stakeholders - What works, what doesn’t and why?
- Putting Resilience and Resistance Concepts into Practice
- Traditional Knowledges for Resource Managers
- Livestock Grazing and the Sagebrush Ecosystems: Policy and Management
- Hydrology of Sagebrush Ecosystems
- Native Plants
- Livestock Grazing and Sagebrush Ecosystems: Science and Management
- Seed Strategy
- Managing Wildfire
- Vulnerability Assessments for Managers
- Invasive Plant Species
- Landscape Conservation Design
- Poster Session