Utah Community-Based
Conservation Program

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Utah Community-Based Conservation Program 2021-2022 Annual Report

We are celebrating 25 years of engaging Utah stakeholders in community-based conservation local working groups.  In the 

1990s, there were 65 local working groups range-wide that brought together partners to work together to conserve greater and Gunnison sage-grouse.  Many of these efforts have waned.  Today, only a few local working groups remain active.  This report contains highlights from this past year, a brief history, and a chronology of sage-grouse conservation efforts.  Thanks to the efforts and support of the local working groups, Utah now has an unparalleled central database of over 1 million sage-grouse locations that includes population vital rates and habitat use. This database has generated over 30 peer-reviewed publications, that now provide the best science available to guide species conservation in Utah.  We could not have done this without the involvement and support of the partners.

Greater sage-grouse habitat selection varies across the marginal habitat of its lagging range margin

by Aidan T Beers, Shandra N. Frey

Rich County Sage-Grouse Field Report June 2022

Rich County Sage-Grouse Field Report: January-May 2022

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Utah Community-Based
Conservation Program

Utah State University
5230 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-5230