Zelkova, Japanese
Zelkova serrata
Ulmaceae - Elm


Leaves: Alternate; simple; ovate to oblong-ovate; 1" to 5" long and 1" to 2" wide; deciduous; sharply serrate margin; acuminate apex; fairly even, rounded base; dark green and rough above; 8 to 14 vein pairs; glabrous beneath; very short petiole.

Twigs/buds: Twigs slender; zig-zag; pubescent when young, glabrous later; brown. No terminal bud; lateral buds 1/4" long, ovoid, angled out from twig, with many brown, overlapping scales.

Flowers/fruit: Polygamo-monoecious. Flowers inconspicuous, appearing in spring. Fruit a small, fairly firm, dry drupe; 1/4" or less in diameter; green to brown; ripens in fall.

Bark: Smooth and gray when young with horizontal ridges or lenticels; becomes more lacy like Chinese elm bark when older; distinctive.

Wood: No information available.

General: Native to Japan and parts of Asia. Intermediate shade tolerance.

Landscape Use: The vase-shaped canopy and medium size of this tree make it a possible replacement for American elms, though I think it is somewhat coarse. Quite tolerant of drought and high soil pH. Interesting bark and yellow-orange to red fall color. Tends to have poorly attached branches due to included bark. Zones 5-8.

Cultivars: 'City Sprite', 'Goshiki', 'Green Vase', 'Halka', 'Musashino', 'Schmidtlow', 'Spring Grove', 'Variegata', 'Village Green'.



Family Ulmaceae - Elm
Cultivar Availability Yes
Hardiness Zone 5-8
Type Broadleaf
Utah Native No


Growth Rate High
Mature Height High
Longevity Medium
Is Good Under Power Lines No
Crown Shapes Vase


Bark Yes
Fall Color Yes
Flowers No
Foliage Yes
Fruit No


Shade Medium
Salt Medium
Drought High
Poor Drainage Low
Alkalinity Medium
Transplanting Medium