Maple, Black
Acer nigrum
Aceraceae - Maple


Leaves: Dull dark green above, yellow to brownish yellow in the fall; yellow-green and slightly hairy below; opposite; simple; typically 3-lobed (sometimes 5-lobed), lobes wedge-shaped, drooping tips (wilted appearance), indistinctly toothed; base heart-shaped, 3" to 6" in width, palmately veined; petiole 3" to 5" in length; deciduous.

Twigs/buds: Twigs orange-brown or straw colored; have prominent lenticels. Buds dark gray-brown, hairy; 2 axillary buds are found at the terminal; scales blunt, overlapping.

Flowers/fruit: Flowers dioecious; some perfect; light yellow to white; stalks hairy, 3/4" to 2" in length; have stamens. Fruit a samara; double-winged; 1" long, attached to hairy stalk; matures in fall.

Bark: Dark gray to nearly black; has long narrow ridges, deep furrows, and often scales; may be darker and rougher than A. saccharum.

Wood: Important; heartwood is light-to-darker red-brown; sapwood is white with tinge of red-brown. Part of the hard maple group: it has a uniform, fine texture and high shrinkage; it is heavy, strong, hard, stiff, and shock resistant. Used mostly for lumber and veneer to make flooring, cabinets, furniture, pianos, bowling alleys, and other items.

General: Native to north central and northeastern North American, from New England to South Dakota and Arkansas. Naturally occurring on moist river bottoms or on upland, drier sites. A medium to tall tree (40' to 60') with a dense and elliptical canopy. Good where sugar maple would be good, though may be more tolerant of drought and heat.

Landscape Use: A similar species to A. saccharum (some consider it a variety of A. saccharum) that has done well in Salt Lake City. Flowers, fruit, and buds are similar to A. saccharum, yet it differs in having dark green, mostly 3-lobed leaves with drooping tips and hairs beneath, yellow fall color, darker colored bark, and stipules. Zones 4-8.

Cultivars: 'Commemoration', 'Legacy'.



Family Aceraceae - Maple
Cultivar Availability No
Hardiness Zone 4-8
Type Broadleaf
Utah Native No


Growth Rate Medium
Mature Height High
Longevity High
Is Good Under Power Lines No
Crown Shapes Oval


Bark No
Fall Color Yes
Flowers No
Foliage No
Fruit No


Shade Medium
Salt Medium
Drought High
Poor Drainage Low
Alkalinity High
Transplanting Medium