Linden, Littleaf European
Tilia cordata
Tiliaceae - Linden


Leaves: Dark green, shiny, and hairless above; mostly pale yellow-green or blue-green below, with orange tufts of hair; alternate; simple; almost circular, base heart-shaped; tapering abruptly to a point; finely and sharply toothed; 1-1/2" to 3" in length; petiole hairless, slender, and approximately1" in length; deciduous.

Twigs/buds: Twigs shiny green-brown, sometimes red-tinged in winter; slender, zigzag. Buds brownish, small (1/4" in length), plump, teardrop-like, and often lopsided.

Flowers/fruit: Flowers perfect; pale yellow, fragrant; borne in many branched cymes, 2" to 3" in width, cymes have 5 to 7 flowers below curving, leafy, winged bracts; occur in early to mid summer (June to July). Fruit a nutlet; ball-like; covered in gray hairs, but becoming hairless; sometimes somewhat ridged.

Bark: Gray to brown; fibrous; mature trees are often shallowly furrowed and ridged.

Wood: Important; wood is whitish and soft; often used for inexpensive furniture (e.g., drawer sides).

General: A European native which has been naturalized in U.S. Has strong conical habit and medium size at maturity, growing to 60' or 70' tall. Aphids can be a problem.

Landscape Use: A good quality landscape tree that is quite popular throughout Utah and the U.S. Planted for landscape or ornamental purposes, it makes a great shade tree or hedge. Commonly cultivated. Somewhat tolerant of urban conditions, though doesn't do well with intense sun, heat, and drought. Weak branch attachment is a potential problem with some cultivars.Similar in appearance to American linden (T. americana), but with smaller leaves (up to 3" long), flowers, and fruit. Zones 3-7.

Cultivars: 'Baileyi', 'Bicentennial', 'Bohje', 'Chancellor', 'Corinthian', 'De Groot', 'Fairview', 'Firecracker', 'Glenleven', 'Golden Cascade', 'Green Globe', 'Greenspire', 'Handsworth', 'June Bride', 'Morden', 'Norlin', 'Olympic', 'Pendula Nana', 'Prestige', 'Rancho', 'Salem' ,'Swedish Upright', 'Turesi'.



Family Tiliaceae - Linden
Cultivar Availability Yes
Hardiness Zone 3-7
Type Broadleaf
Utah Native No


Growth Rate Medium
Mature Height Medium
Longevity Medium
Is Good Under Power Lines No
Crown Shapes Pyramidal


Bark No
Fall Color No
Flowers Yes
Foliage No
Fruit Yes


Shade Medium
Salt Low
Drought Medium
Poor Drainage Medium
Alkalinity High
Transplanting High