Tree Catalog - Tolerance of Drought - Low

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Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 2
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Cultivar - Yes
Foliage - No
Longevity - Medium
Family - Betulaceae - Birch
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Power Lines - No
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Flowers - No
Fall Color - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Fagus sylvatica
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family
Birch, European White | TreeBrowser

Birch, European White

Fagus sylvatica
Fagaceae - Beech and Oak family

Utah Native - No
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Mature Height - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Family - Betulaceae - Birch
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Type - Broadleaf
Flowers - No
Longevity - Low
Fall Color - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 7
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 3
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Salt - High
Power Lines - No
Bark - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 2
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Betula papyrifera
Betulaceae - Birch family
Birch, Paper | TreeBrowser

Birch, Paper

Betula papyrifera
Betulaceae - Birch family

Foliage - No
Family - Betulaceae - Birch
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 5
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Bark - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Flowers - No
Growth Rate - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Fruit - No
Power Lines - No
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Low
Cultivar - Yes
Betula nigra
Betulaceae - Birch family
Birch, River | TreeBrowser

Birch, River

Betula nigra
Betulaceae - Birch family

Longevity - Medium
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Family - Betulaceae - Birch
Mature Height - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fruit - No
Growth Rate - Low
Hardiness Zone - 4
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Power Lines - Yes
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 3
Cultivar - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - Yes
Betula occidentalis
Betulaceae - Birch family
Birch, Water or River | TreeBrowser

Birch, Water or River

Betula occidentalis
Betulaceae - Birch family

Flowers - No
Mature Height - High
Cultivar - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Bark - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 8
Power Lines - No
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 3
Fruit - No
Growth Rate - High
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Tolerance of Salt - High
Fall Color - Yes
Populus trichocarpa
Salicaceae - Willow family
Cottonwood, Black | TreeBrowser

Cottonwood, Black

Populus trichocarpa
Salicaceae - Willow family

Foliage - Yes
Mature Height - High
Fruit - No
Power Lines - No
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Tolerance of Salt - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Cultivar - Yes
Flowers - No
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Bark - No
Growth Rate - High
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 2
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 4
Fall Color - Yes
Utah Native - No
Populus deltoides
Salicaceae - Willow family
Cottonwood, Eastern | TreeBrowser

Cottonwood, Eastern

Populus deltoides
Salicaceae - Willow family

Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fall Color - Yes
Flowers - No
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 8
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Growth Rate - High
Utah Native - Yes
Cultivar - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Foliage - Yes
Bark - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Populus fremontii
Salicaceae - Willow family
Cottonwood, Fremont | TreeBrowser

Cottonwood, Fremont

Populus fremontii
Salicaceae - Willow family

Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Fruit - No
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Growth Rate - High
Hardiness Zone - 8
Utah Native - Yes
Cultivar - No
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Fall Color - Yes
Crown Shape - Oval
Tolerance of Salt - High
Longevity - High
Type - Broadleaf
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 3
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Populus angustifolia
Salicaceae - Willow family
Cottonwood, Narrowleaf | TreeBrowser

Cottonwood, Narrowleaf

Populus angustifolia
Salicaceae - Willow family

Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 9
Foliage - Yes
Power Lines - Yes
Family - Cornaceae - Dogwood
Fall Color - Yes
Utah Native - No
Longevity - Medium
Crown Shape - Layered
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Hardiness Zone - 5
Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Mature Height - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Shade - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Type - Broadleaf
Bark - Yes
Fruit - Yes
Growth Rate - Low
Cornus florida
Cornaceae - Dogwood family
Dogwood, Flowering | TreeBrowser

Dogwood, Flowering

Cornus florida
Cornaceae - Dogwood family

Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 8
Bark - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Type - Broadleaf
Flowers - Yes
Growth Rate - Low
Hardiness Zone - 4
Fruit - Yes
Family - Cornaceae - Dogwood
Foliage - Yes
Power Lines - Yes
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Mature Height - Low
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Crown Shape - Layered
Cornus kousa
Cornaceae - Dogwood family
Dogwood, Kousa | TreeBrowser

Dogwood, Kousa

Cornus kousa
Cornaceae - Dogwood family

Tolerance of Drought - Low
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 3
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Crown Shape - Layered
Hardiness Zone - 6
Family - Cornaceae - Dogwood
Hardiness Zone - 5
Bark - No
Fruit - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Power Lines - Yes
Growth Rate - Medium
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Mature Height - Low
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Cornus alternifolia
Cornaceae - Dogwood family
Dogwood, Pagoda or Alternate-leaf | TreeBrowser

Dogwood, Pagoda or Alternate-leaf

Cornus alternifolia
Cornaceae - Dogwood family

Type - Conifer
Cultivar - Yes
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Mature Height - High
Foliage - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Fruit - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Flowers - No
Longevity - High
Bark - No
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Utah Native - Yes
Power Lines - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Pinaceae - Pine family
Douglas-fir | TreeBrowser


Pseudotsuga menziesii
Pinaceae - Pine family

Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Family - Cupressaceae - Cypress
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Mature Height - High
Type - Conifer
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Cultivar - Yes
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Longevity - High
Fruit - No
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Foliage - Yes
Chamaecyparis pisifera
Cupressaceae - Cypress family
Falsecypress, Sawara or Japanese | TreeBrowser

Falsecypress, Sawara or Japanese

Chamaecyparis pisifera
Cupressaceae - Cypress family

Foliage - Yes
Power Lines - No
Fall Color - No
Utah Native - Yes
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Longevity - High
Bark - No
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Shade - High
Fruit - No
Type - Conifer
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 1
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 2
Hardiness Zone - 5
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Cultivar - No
Abies lasiocarpa
Pinaceae - Pine family
Fir, Subalpine or Alpine | TreeBrowser

Fir, Subalpine or Alpine

Abies lasiocarpa
Pinaceae - Pine family

Growth Rate - Medium
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 4
Longevity - Medium
Mature Height - Low
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 6
Flowers - No
Family - Cercidiphyllaceae - Katsuratree
Fall Color - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Foliage - Yes
Crown Shape - Oval
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Cercidiphyllaceae - Katsuratree family
Katsuratree | TreeBrowser


Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Cercidiphyllaceae - Katsuratree family

Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Cultivar - Yes
Flowers - No
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - High
Hardiness Zone - 2
Type - Conifer
Utah Native - No
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Bark - No
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Longevity - High
Fall Color - Yes
Foliage - Yes
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Growth Rate - High
Larix decidua
Pinaceae - Pine family
Larch, European | TreeBrowser

Larch, European

Larix decidua
Pinaceae - Pine family

Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Family - Pinaceae - Pine
Fruit - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Longevity - High
Mature Height - High
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Fall Color - Yes
Foliage - Yes
Type - Conifer
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 5
Bark - No
Power Lines - No
Growth Rate - High
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - High
Larix kaempferi
Pinaceae - Pine family
Larch, Japanese | TreeBrowser

Larch, Japanese

Larix kaempferi
Pinaceae - Pine family

Fruit - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Power Lines - No
Flowers - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Family - Magnoliaceae - Magnolia
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Foliage - No
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 8
Longevity - High
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - No
Fall Color - No
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Crown Shape - Oval
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Magnolia acuminata
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family
Magnolia, Cucumber or Cucumbertree | TreeBrowser

Magnolia, Cucumber or Cucumbertree

Magnolia acuminata
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family

Fall Color - No
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Type - Broadleaf
Longevity - High
Cultivar - Yes
Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Family - Magnoliaceae - Magnolia
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Growth Rate - Low
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 8
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 5
Foliage - No
Bark - No
Magnolia kobus
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family
Magnolia, Kobus | TreeBrowser

Magnolia, Kobus

Magnolia kobus
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family

Mature Height - Low
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 4
Type - Broadleaf
Flowers - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 8
Crown Shape - Shrubby
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Family - Magnoliaceae - Magnolia
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Utah Native - No
Fruit - No
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Power Lines - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Growth Rate - Low
Magnolia liliiflora
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family
Magnolia, Lily | TreeBrowser

Magnolia, Lily

Magnolia liliiflora
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family

Power Lines - No
Mature Height - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Crown Shape - Oval
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Flowers - Yes
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Growth Rate - Low
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 3
Fall Color - No
Family - Magnoliaceae - Magnolia
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Magnolia x loebneri
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family
Magnolia, Loebner | TreeBrowser

Magnolia, Loebner

Magnolia x loebneri
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family

Growth Rate - Medium
Longevity - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Fall Color - No
Mature Height - Medium
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Bark - Yes
Family - Magnoliaceae - Magnolia
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Type - Broadleaf
Foliage - No
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 9
Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Crown Shape - Round
Magnolia x soulangiana
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family
Magnolia, Saucer | TreeBrowser

Magnolia, Saucer

Magnolia x soulangiana
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family

Hardiness Zone - 7
Flowers - Yes
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Crown Shape - Round
Utah Native - No
Bark - No
Foliage - No
Growth Rate - Low
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 6
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Type - Broadleaf
Power Lines - Yes
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Mature Height - Low
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Family - Magnoliaceae - Magnolia
Hardiness Zone - 4
Magnolia stellata
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family
Magnolia, Star | TreeBrowser

Magnolia, Star

Magnolia stellata
Magnoliaceae - Magnolia family

Fruit - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - High
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Cultivar - Yes
Mature Height - Low
Growth Rate - Low
Foliage - Yes
Fall Color - Yes
Flowers - Yes
Crown Shape - Round
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Hardiness Zone - 5
Bark - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Power Lines - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 8
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Acer palmatum
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Japanese | TreeBrowser

Maple, Japanese

Acer palmatum
Aceraceae - Maple family

Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 5
Type - Broadleaf
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Fall Color - Yes
Growth Rate - Low
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Flowers - No
Bark - Yes
Power Lines - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Fruit - No
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 8
Cultivar - Yes
Foliage - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Tolerance of Transplanting - Low
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Acer griseum
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Paperbark | TreeBrowser

Maple, Paperbark

Acer griseum
Aceraceae - Maple family

Longevity - High
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Hardiness Zone - 7
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 9
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 6
Crown Shape - Oval
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 8
Fruit - No
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Fall Color - Yes
Family - Aceraceae - Maple
Bark - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Cultivar - Yes
Power Lines - No
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Acer rubrum
Aceraceae - Maple family
Maple, Red | TreeBrowser

Maple, Red

Acer rubrum
Aceraceae - Maple family

Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Mature Height - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Power Lines - No
Flowers - Yes
Longevity - Medium
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Bark - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Fruit - Yes
Crown Shape - Oval
Utah Native - No
Cultivar - No
Fall Color - Yes
Sorbus americana
Rosaceae - Rose family
Mountain-ash, American | TreeBrowser

Mountain-ash, American

Sorbus americana
Rosaceae - Rose family

Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Longevity - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Fruit - Yes
Foliage - No
Flowers - Yes
Type - Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone - 3
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Utah Native - No
Fall Color - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Power Lines - No
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 7
Cultivar - Yes
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 4
Mature Height - Medium
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Bark - No
Sorbus aucuparia
Rosaceae - Rose family
Mountain-ash, European, or Rowan | TreeBrowser

Mountain-ash, European, or Rowan

Sorbus aucuparia
Rosaceae - Rose family

Tolerance of Drought - Low
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 3
Family - Rosaceae - Rose
Power Lines - No
Fruit - Yes
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Low
Fall Color - Yes
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Growth Rate - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Foliage - No
Flowers - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Hardiness Zone - 6
Bark - No
Crown Shape - Oval
Sorbus alnifolia
Rosaceae - Rose family
Mountain-ash, Korean | TreeBrowser

Mountain-ash, Korean

Sorbus alnifolia
Rosaceae - Rose family

Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Bark - No
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 2
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Power Lines - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Growth Rate - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Cultivar - No
Mature Height - High
Fruit - No
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Foliage - No
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Salt - High
Fall Color - No
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 3
Crown Shape - Oval
Longevity - Medium
Utah Native - Yes
Populus balsamifera
Salicaceae - Willow family
Poplar, Balsam | TreeBrowser

Poplar, Balsam

Populus balsamifera
Salicaceae - Willow family

Utah Native - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Foliage - No
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Growth Rate - High
Flowers - No
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 8
Hardiness Zone - 3
Hardiness Zone - 4
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Salt - High
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Fruit - No
Bark - No
Power Lines - No
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Crown Shape - Oval
Hardiness Zone - 5
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Populus x canadensis
Salicaceae - Willow family
Poplar, Carolina and Other Hybrids | TreeBrowser

Poplar, Carolina and Other Hybrids

Populus x canadensis
Salicaceae - Willow family

Hardiness Zone - 3
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Longevity - Low
Bark - No
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 8
Crown Shape - Columnar
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Utah Native - No
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Flowers - No
Power Lines - No
Fall Color - Yes
Foliage - No
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 6
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Salt - High
Growth Rate - High
Type - Broadleaf
Populus nigra 'Italica'
Salicaceae - Willow family
Poplar, Lombardy | TreeBrowser

Poplar, Lombardy

Populus nigra 'Italica'
Salicaceae - Willow family

Utah Native - No
Cultivar - Yes
Tolerance of Salt - Low
Crown Shape - Pyramidal
Bark - Yes
Fall Color - No
Mature Height - High
Tolerance of Transplanting - Medium
Fruit - Yes
Power Lines - No
Type - Conifer
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 7
Hardiness Zone - 6
Growth Rate - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Medium
Tolerance of Alkalinity - Medium
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Flowers - No
Longevity - High
Family - Taxodiaceae - Redwood
Hardiness Zone - 8
Sequoiadendron giganteum
Taxodiaceae - Redwood family
Sequoia, Giant | TreeBrowser

Sequoia, Giant

Sequoiadendron giganteum
Taxodiaceae - Redwood family

Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Bark - No
Power Lines - No
Flowers - No
Growth Rate - High
Tolerance of Salt - High
Foliage - No
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Hardiness Zone - 4
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Longevity - Medium
Type - Broadleaf
Crown Shape - Oval
Mature Height - High
Cultivar - No
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Hardiness Zone - 9
Hardiness Zone - 6
Salix nigra
Salicaceae - Willow family
Willow Black | TreeBrowser

Willow Black

Salix nigra
Salicaceae - Willow family

Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 7
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 4
Foliage - No
Hardiness Zone - 8
Bark - No
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Utah Native - No
Cultivar - No
Power Lines - No
Flowers - No
Hardiness Zone - 5
Hardiness Zone - 9
Growth Rate - High
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Type - Broadleaf
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Crown Shape - Oval
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Fall Color - No
Salix fragilis
Salicaceae - Willow family
Willow Crack | TreeBrowser

Willow Crack

Salix fragilis
Salicaceae - Willow family

Tolerance of Salt - High
Hardiness Zone - 9
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Hardiness Zone - 5
Flowers - No
Power Lines - No
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Bark - No
Fall Color - No
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Longevity - Low
Hardiness Zone - 8
Foliage - Yes
Fruit - No
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 7
Growth Rate - High
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Mature Height - Medium
Cultivar - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 4
Crown Shape - Round
Type - Broadleaf
Salix matsudana 'Navajo'
Salicaceae - Willow family
Willow Hankow | TreeBrowser

Willow Hankow

Salix matsudana 'Navajo'
Salicaceae - Willow family

Crown Shape - Oval
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Foliage - No
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Hardiness Zone - 7
Longevity - Medium
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Type - Broadleaf
Utah Native - Yes
Hardiness Zone - 5
Fruit - No
Tolerance of Salt - High
Mature Height - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 4
Hardiness Zone - 6
Hardiness Zone - 8
Power Lines - No
Hardiness Zone - 3
Flowers - No
Fall Color - No
Bark - No
Growth Rate - High
Hardiness Zone - 2
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Cultivar - No
Salix amygdaloides
Salicaceae - Willow family
Willow, Peachleaf | TreeBrowser

Willow, Peachleaf

Salix amygdaloides
Salicaceae - Willow family

Hardiness Zone - 8
Tolerance of Transplanting - High
Flowers - No
Type - Broadleaf
Tolerance of Salt - High
Tolerance of Shade - Low
Mature Height - High
Hardiness Zone - 7
Cultivar - Yes
Crown Shape - Weeping
Hardiness Zone - 6
Growth Rate - High
Fall Color - Yes
Fruit - No
Bark - No
Tolerance of Poor Drainage - High
Foliage - Yes
Tolerance of Alkalinity - High
Power Lines - No
Longevity - Medium
Hardiness Zone - 5
Family - Salicaceae - Willow
Utah Native - No
Tolerance of Drought - Low
Salix babylonica
Salicaceae - Willow family
Willow, Weeping | TreeBrowser

Willow, Weeping

Salix babylonica
Salicaceae - Willow family