Horsechestnut, Red
Aesculus x carnea
Hippocastanaceae - Buckeye


Leaves: Dark green and shiny on top, almost hairless beneath, fall color brownish; opposite, palmately compound, petiole 2-1/2" to 4" in length; 5 leaflets per leaf usually (sometimes 7), egg-shaped, 3" to 6" in length (smaller than A. hippocastanum), tapering to a point, doubly toothed, leathery; leaflets stalk-less or short-stalked; deciduous.

Twigs/buds: Twigs brown and thick. Buds somewhat sticky, but smaller and less sticky than A. hippocastanum.

Flowers/fruit: Flowers deep pink to rose-red; borne on large (6" to 8" long and 3" to 4" wide) panicle; occur in late spring. Fruit capsule ball-like, 1" to 1-1/2" long; husk light-brown, slightly prickly; seed brown and shiny.

Bark: Dark gray and smooth when young; gray-brown and very scaly with long plates when older.

Wood: Presumably similar to A. hippocastanum: moderately important where native; creamy-white, soft, weak, light, not durable, coarse-grained, perishable, diffuse-porous; used for containers, furniture, etc.

General: Originated as a hybrid betweenA. hippocastanumand A. paviain the 1800s; cultivars of this hybrid that are commonly planted that I am familiar with are quite a bit smaller (10' to 20' tall) than horsechestnut (A. hippocastanum) at maturity; they also differ in that they have 5 leaflets instead of 7 and less sticky buds. Maximum height is 30' to 40'; has a rounded canopy. In temperate zones it is the most common tree having large red flowers.

Landscape Use: Its most attractive feature is its beautiful red flowers.This hybrid is uncommon in Utah, though it does well in Logan, Salt Lake City, and Provo, Utah. Popular in England. Use as shade tree or specimen. Zones 4-7.

Cultivars: 'Briotii', 'O'Neill', 'Fort McNair'.



Family Hippocastanaceae - Buckeye
Cultivar Availability Yes
Hardiness Zone 4-7
Type Broadleaf
Utah Native No


Growth Rate Medium
Mature Height Medium
Longevity Medium
Is Good Under Power Lines No
Crown Shapes Rounded


Bark No
Fall Color No
Flowers Yes
Foliage No
Fruit No


Shade Medium
Salt Medium
Drought Medium
Poor Drainage Medium
Alkalinity Medium
Transplanting Medium