Chokecherry, Common
Prunus virginiana
Rosaceae - Rose


Leaves: Alternate; simple; oval to obovate; 2" to 4" long and two-thirds as wide; deciduous; dark green and glabrous above, paler beneath; sharply, finely serrate margin with spreading (mostly not in-curving) teeth; petiole 1/2" long with small, conspicuous gland or bump on each side at base of leaf blade.

Twigs/buds: Twigs slender to medium-stout; new twigs somewhat downy, otherwise glabrous with a few small round lenticels; red-brown when young turning patchy silver-gray when older; twigs often infected with black growth from black-knot disease. Terminal buds 1/4" to 1/3" long, scaly, red-brown to brown like twig; lateral buds same size or slightly smaller.

Flowers/fruit: Flowers perfect, small, white, appear in elongated bunches in May. Fruit a drupe; black; round; about 1/3" in diameter; edible; sour.

Bark: On young stems smooth, red-brown; on older stems turning gray-black and remaining fairly smooth with obvious lenticels that do not extend horizontally like many other Prunus species.

Wood: Not important and little known.

General: Native to most of the continental U.S., including Utah, and to much of Canada. Large shrub to small tree, usually with a multi-stemmed habit. Likes fairly moist locations with rich soils, but will do well on poorer sites. Shade intolerant. Fruit and/or plant part can be nuisances; use fruitless varieties if possible.

Landscape Use: Attractive flowers and small size potentially make it a useful tree. Good for wildlife habitat plantings and windbreaks, and fruit can be used in jams and jellies. Black knot disease reduces attractiveness and vigorous sucker-sprouting can be a problem. Zones 2-6.

Cultivars: 'Bailey Select', 'Boughen's Chokeless', 'Canada Red', "Copper Schubert', 'Mini Schubert', 'Purple Jewel', 'Robert', 'Schubert'.



Family Rosaceae - Rose
Cultivar Availability Yes
Hardiness Zone 2-6
Type Broadleaf
Utah Native Yes


Growth Rate Medium
Mature Height Medium
Longevity Low
Is Good Under Power Lines Yes
Crown Shapes Shrubby


Bark No
Fall Color No
Flowers Yes
Foliage Yes
Fruit No


Shade Low
Salt Medium
Drought Medium
Poor Drainage Low
Alkalinity High
Transplanting Medium