Sustainable You! Camps
Why Sustainability?
Sustainability involves fostering long-term change to improve the natural environment. What should we try to “sustain?” Although we do not know most of what future generations will need, we do know they will need the essentials of land, air, food, water, and some form of energy. These camps are designed to help guide youth through the process of sustainable living in a way that lessens their impact on our environment and conserves resources, all while having fun!
Goal & Objectives
USU Extension Sustainability Camps are designed to foster awareness and behavior change via activities and reflection in the five major areas of environmental sustainability: Land, air, food, water, and energy. This goal is accompanied by three major camp objectives, which were designed to help youth: 1) Discuss and reflect on key sustainability concepts; 2) Engage in daily activities that improve the natural environment; and 3) Learn daily actions extending beyond the camp that lessen their impact on our environment and conserve resources.
Free Curriculum Download
If you are a nonformal educator and are interested in downloading our free curriculum, visit the Utah 4-H's Stem Camp Guides.