Caitlin McLennan

Sustainability Coordinator

Caitlin McLennan


Caitlin is Utah State’s second Sustainability Program Manager, joining the team in January of 2023. She works with students, staff, faculty, and administration to implement sustainability into USU’s core systems, like academic programs, purchasing, resource use and disposal, and university outreach and engagement. Prior to coming to USU, Caitlin dabbled in urban conservation and park development with the Trust for Public Land, environmental social governance (ESG) at Bangor Savings Bank, and co-led the food security movement at the University of Wyoming. Caitlin holds a Master of Environmental Policy and Planning from Tufts University, and a Bachelor of Science in Environment & Natural Resources and Political Science from the University of Wyoming. When she’s not collecting data, chatting with the USU community, or pushing for sustainable campus upgrades, you can find her on a very long walk or curled up with a good book and her very fluffy cat, ClapTrap.