Lauren Lambert

Past Social Media & Graphic Design Intern

Lauren Lambert


Lauren grew up in a small town in Montana and now calls Logan, Utah home. She graduates in December 2023 with a degree in Marketing and an emphasis in social media. Since she was young, Lauren has always had a passion for sustainability, specifically when it comes to clothing and furniture. She deeply believes in second-hand thrifting, upcycling, and avoiding fast fashion. She has completed many projects to revamp and restore used and loved items. One of her favorite possessions is a wooden desk that she and her dad repaired together!

Lauren’s hobbies include videography, painting, watching movies, cooking, reading, and spending time with her friends and family. Her favorite part about her job is learning new things and helping to grow the USU Extension Sustainability community. A quote she tries to live by is “If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.” - Zig Ziglar