Interview with Carson Field, Owner of Naomi Market

1.What is Naomi Market?
Naomi Market is Logan's consignment shop for preloved outdoor gear and apparel!
2. What do you wish people knew about the environmental, economic, and/or social differences of buying new versus used gear?
Outdoor gear & apparel is built to last! (for the most part.) There is so much lightly used gear out there for not only a fraction of the price but that can last you for years to come and prevent the need to consume more and produce more waste.
3.Why is it important to you to promote the use of second hand outdoor gear and clothing?
It tells a story and impacts everyone positively. Growth in a general sense is a good thing but it must not be cancerous growth. This cyclical method of gear reuse allows for good healthy growth by helping us to slow down and ask if we really need to buy new or if we could plausibly breathe new life into a once loved piece of equipment or garment. It helps to break the cycle of consumption and immediate disposal but helps us focus instead on what's required.
4. How do you educate your customers about the environmental benefits of purchasing second hand items?
We are beginning to incorporate a gear repair program here in the shop to give broken or damaged gear another chance. We also are beginning to roll out informational content on our social platforms that strive to inform users how to care for and mend gear and garments of their own to extend the life cycle of the product and keep it out of the landfill.
5. What advice would you give to consumers looking to make more sustainable choices in their outdoor gear purchases?
We have so many resources today to find quality used gear. Connect with your local community, shop local gear exchange/ consignment shops or shops used online, reflect on what items are actually a necessity for you and what you can do without, quality and versatility in a product can be a key to help lessen the amount of things we need.
6. How can other businesses in the outdoor industry adopt more sustainable practices?
Continue pushing towards building quality heritage products made to last. Incorporate take back/gear repair programs and teach the users how to extend the life of our products.
7. Is there anything else we need to know about Naomi Market?
We are so stoked to be a part of this valley's outdoor community! We have many exciting changes coming down the pipeline within the coming year so keep your eyes peeled!
8. Last, can you please share some ways you practice sustainability in your day-to-day life?
I strive to keep life as simple as I can, mending and repairing the gear and apparel I have to keep it in the cycle. Utilizing natural textiles and nontoxic chemicals when possible. Shopping used and locally as much as possible. None of us are perfect, but as we perceive things in our life as needing change, and figure out what we can do about it by informing ourselves, then actually take action changing that thing, we will slowly begin to change our lives and the world.

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