4-H Portfolios are Due October 1st

In order to receive your check from the Jr. Livestock Sale, you must submit a 4-H portfolio. If you are a returning 4-H member, the format is the same as last year. Update your resume and cover letter to include this year’s information, and then upload it to Zsuites (4h.zsuite.org). You will need to re-active your membership on Zsuites before you can upload. If the member's name says “in-active” click on the member and click “re-enroll”

If this is your first year, you will need to create both a resume and a cover letter that details your 4-H experience. It is okay if you have little experience, it will grow over the coming years! 

If you need a refresher on how to complete the resume and cover letter, all information can be found here:


Cover Letter Objectives:


Resume Template 


Livestock Project Report Form


Livestock Resume Example:


Additionally, I am available both over zoom and in-person to help your child complete their cover letter and resume. Send me an email to set up an appointment. 

Portfolios MUST be submitted online in order to receive your check!


How to Submit A 4-H Portfolio on Zsuite:


1.      Log into Zsuite (4h.zsuite.org). It should automatically take you to your dashboard. If it does not, locate the dashboard tab on the left side menu. 

2.      Locate and select the “events” tab on the left side menu. 

3.      On the “events” page, locate the event titled “2022 Summit County Junior Livestock Portfolio”

4.      Select “register now”

5.      Upload your resume and cover letter. 

More portfolio information and Resources