Couples Quick Lessons

15 Minute Lessons

Express These 10 Compliments to Your Wife
Express These 10 Compliments to Your Wife
Learn how expressions of appreciation and admiration strengthen relationships by adding "relationship capital" to your "emotional bank account." Personalize ten concrete compliments.

Breaking Unhealthy Relationship Patterns
Breaking Unhealthy Relationship Patterns
Learn practical skills to build lasting, fulfilling relationships. Gain confidence, identify green flags, and set empowering boundaries for thriving connections. Break free from unhealthy patterns.


Developing Understanding and Compassion in Romantic Relationships
Developing Understanding and Compassion in Romantic Relationships

Enhance your relationship with lessons on compassion, regular check-ins, openness, vulnerability, and responding to partner self-disclosure for deeper, intentional connections.


Disagree Better: It Starts With Me
Disagree Better: It Starts With Me
Learn to disagree better with tips and tools for parents and children, fostering respect, compassion, and civility in all interactions. Take notes for maximum benefit.

Disagree Better: In the Home
Disagree Better: In the Home
Discover tips and tools for respectful and compassionate disagreements in the Disagree Better series, helping parents and children foster civility at home and beyond.


Disagree Better: Outside the Home
Disagree Better: Outside the Home
Learn four key principles for resolving disagreements with coworkers, classmates, and friends using the P.A.U.S.E. method to manage "internal irritation" effectively.


Embracing Self-Image and Healthy Desire
Embracing Self-Image and Healthy Desire
Boost your sex life and confidence by overcoming negative body image thoughts. Discover practical tips for focusing on pleasure and connection today. Start your journey now!


How to Get Out of an Abusive Relationship
Getting Out of an Abusive Relationship
Discover how to identify, plan, and safely exit abusive relationships, with crucial considerations and resources for survivors in this  lesson on relationship abuse.

How to Manage Conflict with Your Partner
Manage Conflict with Your Partner
Learn practical skills to manage relationship conflict healthily. Discover four patterns to avoid and five strategies for better conflict resolution with your partner.


Learning Your Spouse's Love Language
Learning Your Spouse's Love Language
Discover the impact of love languages on relationships. Learn to identify and communicate your primary love language and enhance your connection with your partner.


Love Boost: Strengthening Connections
Love Boost: Strengthening Connections
Learn essential principles and skills to foster long-term, healthy relationships. Discover foundational principles and pillars of connection for authentic, lasting bonds.


Media and Technoference in Romantic Relationships
Media and Technoference in Romantic Relationships
This lesson focuses on identifying and reducing technoference for couples in their relationship. It also will engage participants in creating some guidelines around technology use in their relationship.


Discussing Money Before Marriage
Discussing Money Before Marriage
Learn premarital financial considerations and wellness in relationships. Master financial conversations, identify red/green flags, and build strong financial habits before marriage.


Managing Money in Marriage
Managing Money in Marriage
Learn four key principles of financial partnership and improve each spouse's financial literacy. Discover helpful therapy for couples with ongoing money-related marital struggles.

Strengthening Dating Commitment
Strengthening Dating Commitment
Learn about relationship commitment, its importance, and how to strengthen it, or identify unhealthy relationships. Overcome fears and understand true commitment in this lesson.

Strengthening Marriage Commitment
Strengthening Marriage Commitment

Strengthen your relationship commitment with research-based tips. Learn practical strategies for understanding and enhancing commitment in a committed relationship. Achieve lasting love and partnership success.


Understanding Relationship Abuse
Understanding Relationship Abuse
Learn about abuse in intimate relationships: defining relationship abuse, types of abuse, examples, who experiences it, and common signs of an abusive relationship.


Healing from Financial Secrets
Healing from Financial Secrets
Discover how to address and heal from financial secrets in relationships, and learn effective money management techniques to protect against long-term damage.

