By Aralia Ward | September 25, 2023
Females together

Bigfoot and Female Sexuality

Does Bigfoot actually exist? Some say yes and others say no. Regardless of your personal beliefs about the existence of Bigfoot, I think we can all agree the topic is one shrouded in mystery. You might be disappointed to know that this blog will not be about solving the mystery of Bigfoot. I want to talk about women’s sexuality – because unlike Bigfoot – women’s sexuality should never be a mystery!  

Unfortunately, popular culture and even some current research will claim that women's sexuality is too complex to fully understand. This is dangerous because it sends a message to women to expect a subpar sex life. Luckily for all of us gals, this message is not true. Yes, it's true your sexuality may be more complex than a man’s, but a majority of married women report having very high sexual satisfaction. So, expect more from your sex life!  

The first step in getting more out of your sex life is understanding. Bigfoot is a mystery because there is no way to understand him. Your sexuality is different. Unlike our furry friend Bigfoot, we have tons of amazing research on female sexuality. Here are a few idea to keep in mind:  

  1. BIG POINT: Female sexuality is heavily connected with relationship quality. A perfect relationship is not required to have a good sex life, but good relationship quality is the foundation of good sex for women. If you are curious about what you can do to improve your relationship quality check out this Utah Marriage Commission podcast and other resources. 

    (Quick side note: Men – if you are reading this – despite what popular culture will tell you, you are, in fact, NOT just a biological being; relationship quality will affect your sexual satisfaction, too!)  
  1. Pregnancy will cause changes too. Research shows that some women will experience a decline in desire for intercourse during pregnancy, but many women also report an increased desire for non-genital sex. So don’t panic! Pregnancy will not end your sex life, but it will probably change it some.
  1. A woman’s body image is also important, but maybe not quite in the way you might think. Curious? 

Probably the most important thing for you to know is that you are not starting from ground zero in your sex life. As you look to improve your sex life, remember you are not going from bad to good, but good to better. Research shows that people have far more success in their goal setting when they try to make small and simple changes first.  

Maybe too often we are like Bigfoot hunters who are so focused on tracking him down that they forget to enjoy the beauty of the forest. Take time to notice and be grateful for all of the things that go right in your sex life. For most women, there’s already a lot to enjoy.  

Believing that you can have a successful sex life is half the battle. Good sex for women is all about having a good mindset – and a good-quality relationship. As a woman, your sexuality does not need to remain a mystery. We may never solve the mystery of Bigfoot, but we can all take steps to move our sex life from good to better.    

Aralia Ward is the primary author of this fact sheet.