Upper Three Creeks




Plate 257. UPPER THREE CREEKS 1964-2000 Viewed north along USFS Road 106 between upper Three Creeks and Grass Creek in the southern Pavant Mountains. The meadow was heavily grazed in the original and in the retake. Pinyon and juniper have increased markedly, especially juniper along the edge of the meadow.

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photo (unnumbered) by Glen Quigley on June 3, 1964; retake by Charles E. Kay on August 5, 2000 - - Photo No. 4671-19; Original photo (2200 I-98) held by Fillmore Ranger District, Fishlake National Forest, Fillmore, UT.

Vegetative Community:

Dry Meadow, Pinyon, Juniper


South Central: Section 2, Range 5 W, Township 25 S; UTM 375500 E, 4279000 N; elevation 7,000 ft.

January 2018