Upper Johnson Wash




Plate 519X. Upper Johnson Wash 1939 – 2004 Viewed north-northwest on one of the upper branches of Johnson Wash. Pinyon, juniper, and mountain big sage have all increased. Utah serviceberry, bitterbrush, and birchleaf mountain mahogany occur on the steeper slopes.

Photo Information:

Original photograph taken by H.E. Gregory (No.929) in 1939; retake by Charles E. Kay on June 29, 2004 - - Photo No. 5349-33. Original photograph held in the U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library, Denver, CO.

Vegetative Community:

Pinyon, Juniper, Sagebrush, Mountain Brush


South West: Section 32, Range 5 West, Township 40 South; UTM 371900 E, 4128000 N; elevation 6,380 ft.

January 2018