Upper Cameron Wash




Plate 1057X. Upper Cameron Wash 1917 – 2005 Viewed north-northeast down upper Cameron Wash south of Rock Canyon. Haycock Mountain (8,927 ft.) is on the skyline. Conifers now block the original camera station, so the retake was made from the nearest open area. The tall shrubs in the foreground are Utah serviceberry. Despite selective logging, ponderosa pine has increased, as have other conifers including pinyon and juniper. There is now a deep gully down Cameron Wash that does not appear to have been present in 1917. Bitterbrush, snowberry, mountain big sage, and currant are found in the foreground, as is needle and thread. Most of the open valley has been treated and replanted with smooth brome. Three-tipped sage and rubber rabbitbrush, however, have invaded the seeding - - see Plate 1073x.

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photograph (92821) taken in 1917; retake by Charles E. Kay on August 7, 2005 - - Photo No. 5526-17. Original photograph (4110-Dixie-10) held in the Forest Service Regional Office Photographic Collection housed at Weber State University, Ogden, UT.

Vegetative Community:

Conifer, Mountain Brush, Pinyon, Juniper, Sagebrush


South West: Section 30, Range 6 West, Township 36 South; UTM 362000 E, 4168900 N; elevation 8,060 ft.

January 2018