Tushar Mountains




Plate 159 TUSHAR MOUNTAINS: 1962 - 1999 Viewed along the Tushar Mountain divide to Mount Belknap (elev. 12,137 ft.). The road (USFS 123) has been improved, but otherwise apparently little has changed on this high elevation site.

Photo Information:

1962 photo taken by the U.S. Forest Service; 1999 photo taken by Kay #4504-16 on Sept. 8. Forest Service photo [2300-R-105-Scenery] held by the Beaver Ranger District, Fishlake National Forest, Beaver, UT

Vegetative Community:

Sagebrush, Dry Meadow


South Central: Fishlake National Forest, Beaver Ranger District; T28S, R5W, Sect. 11, UTM 4249260 N, 378000 E; elevation 11,500 ft., viewed to north.

January 2018