Tidwell Slopes




Plate 203. TIDWELL SLOPES 1959-2000 Sagebrush has decreased where it has been prescribed burned by the Forest Service. Conifers have increased, while aspen has matured but most clones have not regenerated due to excessive browsing. Viewed northwest along USFS Road 1540 west of Utah Highway 72.

Photo Information:

U.S. Forest Service photo (unnumbered) taken on July 16, 1959; retake by Charles E. Kay on July 29, 2000 - - Photo No. 4646-11; Original photo held by the Loa Ranger District, Fishlake National Forest, Loa, UT.

Vegetative Community:

Sagebrush, Conifer, Aspen


South Central: Section 4, Range 4 E, Township 26 S; UTM 458300 E, 4270400 N; elevation 8,930 ft.

January 2018