Coonah Bench





Plate 220. COONAH BENCH 1948-1954-2000 Viewed southwest over Coonah Bench with Monroe Mountain in the distance. This area along USFS Road 053 was root-plowed, burned, and reseeded in 1951 to eliminate sagebrush and to stimulate the production of grasses and forbs. Sagebrush has since reinvaded the site and significantly reduced the carrying capacity of the range.

Photo Information

U.S. Forest Service photos (unnumbered) taken in 1948 and 1954; retake by Charles E. Kay on July 31, 2000 - - Photo No. 4651-14; Original photos held by the Forest Service Regional Office Photographic Collection housed at Weber State University, Ogden, UT.

Vegetative Community:



South Central: Section 34, Range 1 E, Township 23 S; UTM 432400 E, 4290500 N; elevation 7,640 ft.

January 2018